Chapter 3

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*** Ahri POV ***

Stepping away from him, I glance over my shoulder as he sits and does his own little thing. I feel a smile spread across my face - it was good meeting him. All things considered? It went pretty well.

But the past is still hurting him, I... there is so much that I want to talk about and know about but I should just let it go. The past... all of it. Just move on and go about it as if we were friends and nothing more.

I mean that is what we kind of were. Just friends.

"Hey, Ahri!" I hear a couple of people almost screech my name, my ears react instinctively as I turn to face them with a practiced smile, "Can we get a picture with you?"

"With cuties like you? Any day," I smile as the four girls side next to me, I glance at the guy holding the camera and hold my smile and strike a rather tame pose as he takes their photo.

Letting them finish up the girls insisted that he should take one too, I just patiently wait to hold my laughter as he awkwardly shuffles next to me.

I twist my lips as I ask, "Not a fan?"

"No you are awesome!" he then clears his throat, "I just don't really like pictures."

I then glance at the camera with the same smile, "Me neither, but what better way to remember everything that happened?"

After the pictures were taken I wave goodbye as I continue walking around the place. I came mostly just to see everything for myself around the stage so that we can make our preparations for Akali's little performance.

I spot the hosts at the back of the stage as I walk toward them, the guards don't stop me but I still notice their idle stares. I am kind of glad Evelynn told me it is my turn to face the crowd, I met him again.

It feels like forever but I remember the good times we had. 

*** Years ago ***

Laying in bed with shut eyes, I open one of my eyes to the side to see his back facing me. Twisting my lips to the side, annoyed that his attention is on his phone because someone tried to call him earlier.

I crawl over the bed resting my head on the pillow as my tail smacks him in the face. He almost jumps out of his skin as he quickly looks over his shoulder at me, "Dummy."

Arching his brow at me, "What do you want, woman?"

Pouting, "I dunno. Something to drink would be nice."

He turns in place, dropping the phone back to the bedside table. I smile up at him as he lowers himself over me, "I think I am the one that is a bit thirsty-"

"Uh-huh," I arch my brow at him, "Saying you ready for  round two, or are you just going to tap out the moment you can?" 

"You really are cocky, aren't you?" he presses his lips against my cheek, small kisses down to my collarbone, working his way down to my chest.

I lift my legs around his middle and roll him over. I drop myself on top of his pelvis as I then state, "Someone's getting ahead of herself."

"No, I am actually a little hurt," shoot him a glare, "I am right next to you, in my bed no less, and you are on your phone not giving me any attention. It really really hurts my pride as a fox and I might not emotionally recover from it."

Shaking his head at me, "I told you I was going to answer my phone."

"Yeahhh but... I am more important."

"I'm sure you are," I roll my eyes at him as I then tilt my head at him, "What? It looks like you are burning to ask me something."

"Who was it?"

"Ash. Asking to meet up at some point, dunno if I am really into it."

"Why not?" I furrow my brow, lowering myself onto his chest, I blow air into his face, "It's like you just stopped thinking. A cute girl is asking you-"

"I am pretty sure this is a date," he interrupts me, then with an arched brow, "How does that make Ahri feel?"

"I don't care," I scoff, "Or are you saying that you went and caught feelings for me?"


"That quickly? Okay, you are seriously out to bruise my ego."

He chuckles, "You are gorgeous."

"Sure it has nothing to do with me almost being naked on top of you?" then with a mischievous smile, "At least something is excited about that." 

"Good point, so we can not talk about it."

"To late. The two of us aren't really anything but really really good friends. Ash has had a crush on you for a while now, she talks about you quite a bit."

"And you bring this up now?"

"I mean I don't ever really want to bring it up. It feels like cheating and she finally made a move on you so it doesn't matter if I say it now, idiot."

"No I mean... you know, whatever," shaking his head at me, "That means this little thing we have going on will have to stop unless-"


"You actually do like me."


We both chuckled at this weird situation, he then sighs, "Welp. If that is the case then it goes without saying-"

"Yeah yeah. I know," then rolling over to my side of the bed.

"You sound super bummed out," he lifts himself with a worried expression, "This just means we are downgrading from really really good friends to just good friends. Best friends even."

Furrowing my brow, "I am not bummed out."


"Shut up."



"You were the one that asked me about it and then proceeded to tell me to chase her, don't get all upset when I decide to do it and that we won't be able to have sex."

"Why'd you have to put it that way?" I turn my back to him as I pull my blanket over my shoulder, "You are really killing me right now," I purposely lower my ears as I hear him sigh loudly.

Touching my shoulder, "Hey listen... are you sure-"

I chuckle, "I am just teasing you," I wink at him, "But seriously. I am tired so just drop and head to bed."


Then again, those memories are filled with bad ones. 

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now