Chapter 1

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Myths and Legends Rising, a supermassive music festival inviting bands of both old and new. Groups of pop stars, DJ's and rappers threw them all in at random to hope that everyone would stick throughout the entire thing.

You get to meet your musical heroes and they get some good PR with the media and the fans.

The hardest part is hoping that a dispute between music genres would bring a rise of hatred and last time it didn't end that well. Though the last time I went it was years ago and I haven't been outside that much to know... I didn't care enough to know.

The lines are long, terribly so. Not to mention the scorching heat making me feel like I am dying. I wear a hoodie for the sake of just hiding my face most of the time - I hate being seen and I hate the looks they all give me.

I was invited by the managers of this event, a sorry from the public for misunderstanding my situation and kind of... alleviate the allegations and that their stance on everything both ruined my personal life and music career.

I mean... VIP tickets to a super expensive festival pretty much make up for the fact that I lost all my friends and both the band that I made and my wife. Though some people stayed in contact with me, it doesn't change the fact that when shit hits the fan you will always be alone... and if it is that astronomical, their presence won't amount to much.

Reaching the ticket entrance, "Goodmorning, sir~" he sings, though his positive and happy demeanor fades the moment he places my face.

I nod, "Morning," placing my ticket and proof of authenticity along with flashing my Id he hands me a few things. I'd imagine he'd usually explain what does what - but I have been here before so he doesn't need to strain his poor voice.

I then greet him, "Good day to you," only earning me a half-assed 'same to you'.

I guess I can't blame them. Then again I am used to this much.

I sling the 'VIP' card around my neck, digging all my tickets and passes into my pocket. Taking a deep breath, tasting the sweetness and barbequed food in the air. Though despite that not a single bad thing to smell, it is quite refreshing even then it feels claustrophobic.

Digging my hand in my empty pocket, I wander around for a bit as I keep my eyes to myself. I am not dressed to stand out but more to blend in. I am the last person that most people want to see and I am only here because of my favor to attempt to get outside and not keep to myself like a gremlin.

Only wish she didn't make me make those damn promises. Last one burnt me and the highway has been downhill since.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, an unknown number... I then click decline and put it back into my pocket. Though not a moment later it rang again... I twist my mouth as I arch my brow.

Christ, if you are calling me from a different phone Lil after getting a new one already I am going to cackle.

Answering the phone, "Wake up. We will be heading to the festival in a few hours and I am not going to go and fetch you."

"Already up and about," I then stay quiet for a moment.

"Ah... you are at the festival... sorry," then with a giggle, "Then I will see you in an hour or so, just hang around and try not to make too many friends."

"Already flooded with kindness. Can't possibly keep all these fans at bay on my lonesome."

"Anybody bothering you?" the worry in her voice was clear.

"Nah. Listen, Lilly, I am fine. A big boy if you believe it or not - besides the shit I went through can not be topped by a few glares and disgusted glances. So don't worry about me and focus on making it here so that I don't have to deal with it on my lonesome."

"See you in a bit, okay?"

"Sure," then with a snort, I decline the call.

Did she really lose her phone already?  Carefree is the perfect way to describe her but I would never have been alive if that woman didn't pull me out. Hell - I still sometimes wish she didn't and those thoughts can't be helped.

So I am grateful and quite annoyed. I could have been living peacefully in the afterlife - I doubt it can ever be worse than what reality has in store for me.

Cracking my knuckles as I aimlessly wander around the area, keeping my gaze to myself and only shooting my glances to the side if something attracts my attention - the best thing I can do is blend in and hope that nobody starts pointing fingers.

But I am starving - haven't eaten since yesterday. 

I find a small cafe that is set up in the center of the festivities but it isn't populated at all. I mean there are a few people coming in and out but not a lot of people sitting there and planning to spend their breakfast there.

Rather do the sightseeing before they lose their chance later tonight.

I order something small, a few pastries, and the strongest coffee that I can stomach to just keep my energy at an all-time high. At the core of it all, I am still addicted and coffee managed to fill that empty void... even if it didn't do anything I can still trick myself.

It's better than the shit I used to take - no point in comparing.

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