Chapter 8 - Terrible sleeping arrangements

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We arrive a little late to her place, though we are still in the lobby she is just talking to the already tired receptionist ready to swap out with the nightshift worker. Ahri is already yawning as we make our way to the elevator.

"I have some clothes for you to wear," she states.

"Male size?"

She purses her lips, "You can sleep without a shirt so it's fine. Not like my knees would go weak and I would fall over because I saw a little skin," she then looks at me, "Besides you look a lot skinnier."

"Want to know my weight loss program?"

She rolls her eyes, "We both know that it was a shit program," we both laugh as the door slides open, as we step in she punches in a code, as she yawns as a small moan escapes her lips, "It's sooo good to be home~"

The penthouse is amazing. On this floor is an open bar with the kitchen not far away with a great view of the city below, large windows peering into the outside world. I step forward as I spot the living room area with a fireplace and a massive television above the fireplace.

Two sets of stairs on the opposite ends of the room lead to a second floor with even more doors. 

I smile at her, "Smells nice."

"No smoking."

I laugh at how she instantly forces her house rules on me, "Okay but I feel groggy? I am going to take a shower if you don't mind?"

She shakes her head, "There are two showers for some reason," she points to the door under one of the stairs, "You can shower there and I will take the one in my bedroom, I'll set some clothes for you inside."

"Thanks and-"

"Everything else should be there," she then purses her lips, "I am still dying to ask you a few questions... if you don't mind?"

I shake my head, "If you don't mind me sleeping here till noon tomorrow."

"Not at all," she then starts walking up the steps, my eyes wander to her bare legs before I shake my head.

Hoping that a cold shower would kill the sudden excitement. I am already feeling terribly tired but there is nothing coffee can not do - though I already have a vague idea of what is to come. I step into the cold shower as I feel some tension from my neck and back drain away. If she wanted to just talk, she would have driven me home.

That stiffness slowly drowning away as I hear the door open, I watch the curtain almost expectantly as she calls out to me, "It is on the laundry basket."

"Planning on taking a shower with me?"

She laughs loudly, "Nice try, see you in a bit."

I snort to myself, that is definitely a yikes. I wash my body as I then step out of the shower, spotting a pair of shorts that surprisingly enough fits me - the type of shorts that are dangerous... but I don't think this is her size - her ass isn't that big.

On top of it is a large hoodie, though it looks oddly familiar. The print is wrinkled and the blue color is dull - this is either something that was mine once upon a time or all men have the same taste when choosing hoodies. I touch the sleeve as I do recall... this is mine.

Pulling it over, wearing nothing but suggestive shorts and a hoodie I couldn't imagine a funnier scenario.

Almost still laughing at myself, I step outside to see Ahri busy drying her hair near the fireplace. She showers fast, well I did make it a point to take my time and keep myself calm.

"Can I ask you something?" I look at her with a raised eyebrow, "These shorts?"

"The reason why I don't order clothes online anymore unless I know how their sizes work," she giggles, I step closer as she was only wearing a silk robe covering all of her body except for her legs.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now