Chapter 18

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"Long night?" Eve asks me as I open the door to her car.

"An even longer day," then dropping into the passenger seat, she starts the car as I shut the door, "Got a nice little surprise, and a heads up woulda been nice."

She lifts her shoulders, tilting her head as she glances at me through the corner of her eye, "Are you blaming me for not trusting the people you care about? I would have been pretty pissed if I was Lilly and heard that you are planning on getting some form of vengeance without me."

I snort, "She is right to be pissed, but I didn't want her to worry."

"You mean to stop you?" she then shakes her head, "I know I agreed to help you find the bastard that did this to you but that is because I think they deserve a shallow grave - that doesn't mean we should ever do that. Even when I find this person... I wouldn't tell you until I know you won't do something stupid."

"As if you can contain your anger."

"I make sure that I won't do something stupid," she adds, "I never act out of emotion alone. That is the most I can hope for you - so I told Lil what you plan on doing, if she can't stop you then I am going to have to tell Ahri and I doubt either of us wants to be in the middle of that."

"We don't have to go that far," I state, "Got plenty of things to worry about with her."

"I doubt sex is one of them."

"Rather not talk about my sex life with you," I sigh, "No offense."

"I don't kiss and tell either. It is just Ahri makes a terrible job of hiding it," then with a serious tone, "Though... I have to warn you..."


"Media don't act on rumors. Even if they kept this person's name anonymous that must mean it is a trusted source," then parking the car, she turns to face me fully, "Someone that you and Ash knew on a personal level. Someone you both trusted."


"I am telling you because I need to know if you will be able to handle it without taking it to far. If you can't promise me that you will be able to let me handle it - then I will never tell you, even if I know who it is."

"That's cruel and you know it," I rub my temples, "I asked you because I knew I could rely on you."

She nods, "I will find them, but  not at your expense."

I stay silent for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm myself, "Fine. I won't do something stupid like beating the life out of them."

"Good. Despite not being very convincing - I will be hanging on to your every word like it is a promise. I won't be able to protect you, your fans might be able to side with you but that won't stop the law from charging you with battery and assault," she then leans over as she rests her fingers on my arm, "I am serious, (Y/N). From this will come a blood feud that will only be solved when everyone has suffered."

"It won't come to that," I state, "I will make sure of it."

She adds, "The crimes you were accused of... they are very fucking serious. If we find them we can report them for false allegations and they will be worse off. Humiliating them will only make you look worse."

I shake my head, "You really think... after everything I was accused of... the hell I went through doesn't deserve what I want to do to them? You think people would blame me?"

She shakes her head, "They wouldn't, you don't have to be the bigger person. Just know the moment you touch them the potential case is in shambles."

Nodding slowly, "Guess I can never really win the way I want to."

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now