Chapter 9

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Taking my second shower off the night... I dry myself as I notice that she gave me a blanket and two pillows. The room is already dark but her bedroom light was on and wide open - meaning she can't sleep.

I look around for a moment before I see her sitting on a chair with her knees up to her chest - her arms around her legs as she stares into the night sky. The lights of the city and the cars are like dancing little stars.

I side next to her, "Can't sleep?"

"Yeah, have something on my mind."

"Was it that bad?"

She chuckles, "The sex was amazing, as always," she then looks at me, "Sorry. I ended up kinda alluring you into it and I haven't even considered how you would feel about it at all."

"That I'd feel strange? Or guilty?"

She nods slowly, "Not you... me."

I grab a chair, sitting down with quite some distance between the two of us, "You liked me, didn't you?" I look at her as a smile spreads across her face.

"I did," she looks at me, then with a frustrated laugh back into the night sky, "But Ash, god she was head over heels for you. I mean we had our thing going on for a long time and we both agreed not to get any feelings but... that is never the case."

"Explains why you called it off," I state, "Claiming that you were seeing someone for a week only for him to seemingly disappear from the group."

She twists her mouth to the side, "I didn't want to get in the way of the two of you, you know that right?" she then rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, "Because I knew that you would both be happier that way."

I then state, "I was happy with her," I notice her pained gaze, her eyes glistening in the dark from the tears welling in her eyes, "She was going to be everything I needed to be but in the end, reality spat in my face and took her away from all of us."

"Then you disappeared..."

"Not my fault-"

"You didn't even attend her funeral," she interrupts me, "Fuck, the one thing I wanted to do when she died was to be there for someone that I know needed it the most and you were nowhere to be found."

I lower my gaze, "You'd have hated me if you saw me back then," I state, "I am not a proud man, not anymore. Everything I was, stepped on, killed by the media and the people that threw those allegations around."

"Abusive, Rapist, Offender, Assaulter," I then curl my lip, "It wasn't enough. Druggie, Alcoholic, Dead-beat, Oppressive, Confrontational."

"(Y/N) I didn't mean-"

I nod, "I know," then looking at her, "I loved Ashley, Ahri," then speaking again, "But I moved on. What is sadder? The fact that I can't move on and give up a life that might still be worth living? Or the fact that I am wishing for my end because that means I don't have to suffer anymore?"

She stays put, "They are both terribly sad."

I nod, "It's hard to be happy about it," I state, "Even harder to see some light in the dark, but I know that if Ash was sitting in one of those chairs she wouldn't let me live it down. Scolding me because I dare let the world bring me down."

"Isn't that unfair?"

I nod, "The world is cruel," I then lift myself out of the chair, "I moved on and you should too," she then finally smiles as I state, "We can still do this if you want-"

Shaking her head, "We shouldn't. It's dangerous," she chuckles, "You might just end up getting caught up in my trap and won't ever be able to leave."

I nod, "Sounds more like there is another reason."

"I am casually dating," she states.

I nod, "Settling down? I never thought I'd see the day," I try to play it off, "But then again, I can't compete for you," I lift my hand, "Goodnight Ahri."


I stop for a moment, long enough to realize that I am just guilt-tripping her. After all, those feelings she once had have come and gone - meaning that we weren't really able to last outside of being sexual partners.

Then again - she would probably never take it further than that because of the past. It might be her overwhelming sense of guilt, but we are all at our very core - broken. 

This night is just filled with the painful emotions of reuniting with old friends. I doubt it will go any better than this. Then again - I wouldn't want to date yet until I got my life sorted out... I made a promise to myself.

I will find the bastards that spread those rumors. The ones that ruined my life, that kicked me when I was down. 

I glance back at her, as she lifts herself from the chair, dragging her feet behind her as she closes the distance. Resting her forehead on my shoulder, confused I slowly give her a hug.

"I still care for you... but..."

"There is a lot in the way right now," I state, "Even if it wasn't on your side I can't accept anyone's feelings until I healed all of my scars."

She nods, "We are still friends right?" I chuckle at the situation, "What?"

"We had sex not a few moments ago and you are asking if we are still friends?" then let go of her, "We are definitely still friends."

She shares a smile, "Sleep tight, if the couch starts hurting you can slide in next to me."

I nod, "Will keep that in mind," she then leaves, still managing not to keep my eyes to myself I sigh loudly. 

I head to the couch with a single thought screaming that I should have taken her up on that offer.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now