Chapter 27

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Considering that it is still super early, I didn't expect them to be open, but when you need to make money, you aren't going to complain. Just looking at this place I would have loved to go on vacation at a place like this.

The two of us walk up through the gates as someone stops us. "Good Morning."

Ahri cocks her head with a sweet smile. "Morning. I called ahead to ask if we could swing by for breakfast?"

Twisting his lips to the side he finally nods before gesturing for us to step through. "Welcome, do you need someone to guide you?"

"Nope. Been here plenty." Ahri grabs me by the wrist pulling me along.

As we pass him I glance down at her. "Careful. People might think that the superstar Ahri has finally decided to settle for someone and they will be super upset that someone like me is the lucky guy."

"Why does it sound like you are complaining for their sake?"

"I am a man of the people."

"Pfft." She slides her fingers down to my palm before interlacing her fingers with mine. "Just don't continue with that train of thought please."

"Yes, ma'am."

We walk towards the restaurant area with an awesome view of the lake. We are helped to our tables and we order a pretty fancy meal, nothing I would ever get for myself but might as well try these speciality dishes once in my life.

"What does your schedule look like?"

"You'd be surprised if I told you that I am actually pretty free despite looking busy most of the time." Resting her arms on the table she plays with her fingers. "We do gigs and only ever get really busy when Eve puts us to work. After our latest EP we have decided to take it easy for the moment."

"Right right. Nothing lazy about that."

Furrowing her brow at me she still holds her smile. "Uh-huh. When's the last time you did anything for your career?"

"There was a court case."

"Also sounds like you did nothing."

"I couldn't?"

"I mean... you could have tried to."

"Right~" I roll my eyes at her. "So you are definitely not busy for let's say... the next week or so?"

"I can be if you want me to be."

I twist my lips to the side before chuckling. "Good answer."

"So? Are you going to tell me what you want to do with me in the span of seven days or is this one of those things where you are going to make me wait for it?"

"So I have you for a couple of days."

"Yep." She nods. "But if this is going to lead into an international flight thing you are going to have to share because I can twist a few strings to make it easier on both of us. Seeing as I have quite the disposition."

With a chuckle I nod slowly, I glance at the vista. "Looking at our surroundings I kind of... I don't know just wanted to do exactly what I have been craving to do for a long time."

"Escape?" She asks me.

With a firm nod. "I don't know where I am going or where I want to go but I have been stuck in this city without ever getting outside. Wanted to do something about it for a long time but I also didn't want to see the world on my lonesome."

"Leave it to me."

I chuckle. "This was my idea."

"But I have connections and there is a place I was planning on taking the girls but I think they'd forgive me if I stole the idea for your sake."

Rolling my eyes. "You can just take them with us then."

"Hey. I don't do poly relationships." She narrows her eyes at me.

"I was... what do you mean I was just being considerate?"

She snorts. "Sure sure."


"No, come on." She leans forward locking eyes with me. "You weren't finished."

I pull my gaze away from her. "I..."


I look back at her to see that look of hers. Reminds of the first night we ever spent together, and I am feeling incredibly stupid not to realise that she was actually into me and it wasn't just some fling bullshit.

"I wanted to escape. Despite being back in the game I cared more about the people around me than my own career." I lower my gaze slightly. "To run away with you, I guess."

"Know I can't do that."

"It's just me running, isn't it? From my problems that is." I chuckle.


"It's loads better than intoxicating myself to deal with it. I just want some air to breathe, this isn't me wanting to drop off the radar."

"Good." She breathes a sigh of relief. "Because it would seriously be hard dating you if that were the case."

"Thinking about ourselves are we?"

"Obviously." She rolls her eyes.

I then add finally. "I want to enjoy something with you. I don't care about our company as much, I believe the more the merrier but... the only thing that is going to be on my mind is you. Know that right?"

Raising her eyebrow. "Now it just begs the question."


"What-" She leans in closer. "-do you plan on doing to me?"

"Whatever consent allows me to do."

She snorts. "Ahhh, that's a pretty good and dangerous answer."

The server puts down our breakfast in front of us along with our different versions of coffee because how many do you really need? She looks down at her food nodding slightly before looking back at me.

"Two days." I look at her. "Full trip obviously and we can stay for a week, week and a half, maybe two weeks if you really need that much time. If you don't mind I can invite the girls to do their thing and if you want you can invite the gang. It would be like old times."

I twist my lips to the side. "I'll talk to them."

Even though I really don't want to invite them because of one person.

"Don't worry. It'll still feel like the two of us."

I then stop her. "Ahri-"


I shake my head. "I'll tell you when the moment feels right."

"If you wanted to tell me how awesome I am that you want to spend the rest of your life with me I rate the best way to do that is to slap a ring on it before I run to fast for you to catch me." She says teasingly.

"You sure? My married life has been pretty..."

"Okay, but you don't have a large enough sample size. One marriage isn't nearly enough to base a statistic out off."

I roll my eyes at her. "Can't be talking about marriage this early Ahri."

"It's up there with not wanting to lose you to someone else again." She states. I pause for a moment. "Okay, maybe I am taking this a tad bit to fast... huh?"

I shake my head at her. "No, I think I like this Ahri a lot more. The one that just takes control of my life."


"I am starting to like it."

"First step."

"Stop smoking?"

"How'd you know?"

"Shut up and eat your breakfast."

The two of us are all over the place, but we will figure it out as we go. I know that. Because the two of us? We always figured out what we needed to do in the end.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now