Chapter 23

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Waking up almost instinctively, I blind rapidly as I try to untangle the arm under my body, "Hey-hey-hey-hey," I shake my head as I feel a soft touch against my face, fully regaining my vision she is sitting next to me. Watching me with a smile she says in a soft and gentle tone, "I didn't mean to startle you."

"You didn't," I then yawn, "Morning."

"Morning to you too," her thumb brushing my cheek, "You were sleeping so soundly I almost got jealous and was going to slide in there," she pulls her hand back as she points to my chest.

"So you decided to wake me up?" I say ask with an arched brow.

"You had to wake up eventually," she then tilts her head, "I wasn't going to let you sleep the entire day-"

Before she says anything further I wrap my arm around her middle, trying to pull her into bed as she lets out a cute yelp. Quickly pressing her hand against my shoulder as she scolds me.

"You'll wrinkle the dress," then with pout she furrows her brow at me.

"You are leaving?" I lift myself to my behind, she then shakes her head.

"Already did. You know how it is with work and all that," she then twists her mouth to the sides, "But I am going to have to make a stop at the studio to take a look at a little blunder and make some plans with Eve and then-"

"There is more?" I groan for her sake.

"I know right? But in any case, it isn't something you need to worry your head about. But you are going to move in today so that should keep you busy enough while I handle my things."

I shake my head, "I'll tag along. The band is taking their time off to do their own things for the weekend to see how my... return... is being handled by the press."

She then gives me a worried expression, opening her mouth as if to say something but she is still hesitating.

"Something did happen, didn't it?"

She scoots a little bit closer, then rests her head on my shoulder, "Apart from a lot of media and podcasts saying you should have stayed in hiding. Nobody asked you to come back. On the other hand, a lot of the fans are terribly excited to see you back but... we don't know how long till something of the past resurfaces."

Resting my head against her, the hair brushing against my cheek, the other holding her close to me, "You are getting worked up about it for my sake, aren't you?"

"I don't want it to happen again. Last time was..."

"They just want me to acknowledge them, baiting me into giving them a clear and concrete answer about something I didn't do. You don't have to worry about me making a stupid decision, they have little to hold against me."

Hearing a weak chuckle, "It'll be perfect if we could find the person that made the rumors in the first place."

"You find the rats eventually," I state.

She then pulls away, with a full smile she gestures to the shower, "Get showered and dressed. Our last stop for the day is a little meeting with another artist that had planned on doing a collaboration with me."

I nod, "Sounds super important."

"Shush you," she then lifts herself, walking towards the door, "We will get you something to eat on the way, so move that ass of yours."

***   ***   ***

Shifting uncomfortably in my seat, there are sores in my body that I didn't think could be sore. Apart from having to dress to clearly hide some lovebites, at least nothing that can be seen easily so that is the little good there.

Finishing the food that we got from a fast-food establishment just to quickly sate my hunger, I watch a bunch of people walk around this building. Mostly artists and people helping to run this studio. From managers to artists advisors. To actual singers and songwriters.

K/DA made this studio if I recall correctly, just too bad we can't really step out of our contract with ours yet to sign up to this one. Then again I am probably the only one that would suggest this, the rest would rather just stick with what we know.

So I won't force my options onto them, I am strictly speaking a junior member now.

Crumbling up the paper, I walk to a bin and toss it inside. Digging my hands in my pockets I decide to wander around till someone tells me I shouldn't be doing exactly that. Turning into the next hallway I bump into someone.

Grabbing them by the arms to keep them from toppling over, "Sorry about that," I apologize quickly.


"Hey Akali," I let her go as she tilts her head into a smile.

"Heya. Didn't know Ahri ended up dragging you along, she likes keeping an eye on you?"

"Hopefully not a sight she will get sick of."

She scoffs, "I doubt that very much, she talked a lot about you once upon a time. So you two a thing now or is it just that weird thing where you just happen to end up in her bed every night?"

"She won't come to my apartment."

She snorts, "Right right. I won't say anything that I am not allowed to, don't want to talk about anything that would embarrass her too much," she chuckles as she sings, "Until she starts annoying me then I might just let it slip."

She then steps past me, "Second floor, room number 14. Our recording room is there and you should see her with Eve. See ya!"

"See ya," I then turn to walk again, heading straight for the stairs.

Finding the room, I hover around it as I peer through the glass pane. Seeing Ahri leaning on the table and Evelynn sitting next to her, they are caught up in conversation though it seems pretty serious. 

Her ears are lowered, she must be really upset about something. I grab the doorknob but hesitate for a moment.

***   Evelynn POV   ***

"You feel guilty is what you are trying to say?" I ask her again

"Kinda," she lifts her shoulders, shoulders, "I don't know how to feel about being with him, it is clear that I want to wake up in his arms every morning, it is clear that I do love him but there is just this painful guilt gnawing at me and it is really killing me, Eve."

"I told you once that it's better to do something you want to do before you regret it, facing the consequences can come after it."

"Are there even consequences?"

"No," I sigh, "This will sound very curt and rude and disrespectful to the girl but... she is dead. He clearly moved on in choosing you and that is just the way it goes, wether he likes you more or less than her doesn't matter because he moved on. Silly questions like that will just kill the relationship before you had a chance to reap anything from it, my dear."

I reach for her hand, giving it a squeeze, "Besides. If you didn't play around with him back then, if you claimed him I am certain he would have married you."

Her ears raise slightly - it looks like she really can listen to me when she wants to.

I then finish off, "Life moves on, Ahri. No point for you to care about the past, all that matter is that you are happy and the person you spend eternity with is also happy. So chin up, we didn't come to work today to talk about relationship troubles," I let out a low chuckle.


The door swings open to reveal the devil himself, Ahri's ears perk up instantly. Almost like a puppy seeing its human. I guess in this case he is her human.

"Speak of the devil."

The corner of his mouth arches up, "Talking about me?"

Ahri lifts herself from my side, tucking her arms around his middle, "Yeahp. Nothing bad I promise."

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon