Chapter 16

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I winge, trying to keep the disgusting smell from getting into my system but it doesn't help that I am sitting right next to her.  I reach for the handle to flush as she rests her arms against the bowl, resting her head on her arms.

"No more drinking for you," I state.

She lifts her gaze to look at me with a snarl, "Don't you have somewhere to go-" her face puffs as she unloads another load into the toilet.

I shut my eyes tightly as I try to keep my insides inside of me. Taking a deep breath through my mouth I rub her back gently, "There there."

"Fuck you."

I snort, "It only gets better the more you get out. Though I'd suggest staying away from anything with gas. The moment you burp it is just game over at that point," she gives me a look of annoyance, "Not helping?"

"Can't you just leave me to die alone?"

"I would but being a constant reminder of how drinking that much was a bad idea sounds like just as good as an idea," I chuckle to myself, "Besides you uttered a forbidden curse and now I am forced to be here."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember?"

"Are you really going to..." she stops, preparing herself for another one before she shakes her head, "Really going to take everything a drunk and over-emotional girl said? Knowing that I am looking the way I do right now."

"It's not what you said it is the way you said it."

She grows quiet. Taking a deep breath before trying to lift herself, I grab her arm as I help her to her feet, "Don't you want to take a shower first? You smell like shit."

She groans, "Thanks. Really good at making a girl feel special."

"I do try my best," then pulling her towards the shower, "Can you stand on your own?"

"I am hungover, not crippled."

I pull my hands back as I chuckle, "Just making sure."

Taking my leave, I head straight to the kettle as I start brewing us some coffee. I already took a shower but all I need now is a change of clothes... and another shower. I smell like puke - guess I am going to have to let Lilly know I will be a little bit late.

I then rub my temples with last night's scene burned into my memory. I don't know how she really feels. No point asking her now - she'd say something to get me to leave her alone and then regret it later.

Though she won't dare to admit that she did something stupid. 

Is she doing it out of spite? Playing with my feelings to get payback because when she fell for me I already had someone else... is she really that petty? Or is this just all pretend to take a look at the real thing, to figure out whether or not she was silly for having feelings for me?

Ahh... fuck.

This is dangerous. At the rate this is going - I am scared that I am the only one falling in love with her. This pretend bullshit just feels like the real thing but with no strings attached. At what point does this stop being a game and we start killing each other?

Filling the cup without milk, I walk up the steps with her cup. She is sitting with only a shirt at the edge of her bed - staring blankly into the towel on her lap.


"Yeah?" she looks up at me with the same stare.

I chuckle, "You really look like shit."

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя