Chapter 62 Alice P.O.V (Final Chapter)

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I was ready to kill the monster that dared to hurt my Hermione. Anyway, a few weeks had already passed since Hermione had told me about what had happened and from that second forward I was certain on one thing and one thing alone. I was ready.

"Hey gorgeous" I flirted as I stood from the window closed to Hermoine's bed

"For Murlens sake" Hermione cursed making me giggle

"Hermione your language is just appalling"

Hermione just rolled her eyes chuckling "Princess what are you doing here"

"Meet me outside in two minutes" I lightly kissed her forehead before jumping out of the window and landing softly on the wet grass outside, no less than two minutes later Hermione was outside, I wrapped my hand around hers before leading her deep into the woods.

I had memorised the intricate paths and the hidden green walkways that Hermione had taken me on just a few weeks ago, we walked in silence the only sound between us was the sound of nature cheering me on for what was about to do.

Just half an hour later we reached our peaceful spot, only the most colourful flowers grew there, the greenest leaves, everything was perfect just like my Hermione.

"Hermione, in the past thirteen months I have known you you have made me feel things that never thought capable of feeling, you have opened my eyes to your beautiful world and have shown me that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks as for me I only care about what you think. Hermione, you are the most perfect special person I know. you allow me to feel human. I feel so honoured to be able to call you, my mate." I took a deep unneeded breath before producing the small black box out of my pocket "so Hermione on the twenty-second of April with the birds and insects as my witness would you make me the happiest vampire in the world and marry me"

Tears had built up in Hermione's eyes as she looked at the ring "Alice"

Thank you for sticking with me on this amazing journey and I am sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger I know I am evil but I promise there is going to be a second book.

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