❣ how you meet

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You walked out of your apartment, admiring the bloomed flowers that cascaded down the porch of the stairs. It was spring and still abit chilly so you decided to get some coffee at a local cafe.

As you entered, there weren't much peope. You went to the cashier to buy your drink. The young man who was servng your had a quiff and brown eyes.

"Hey, welcome what do you want to order?" he smiled

"Um could I have the vanilla latte" you said as you handed the money

"Sure"he tapped in your order "it would take 5mins"

You kept looking at him and everytime he would look back you would put your head down snd blush in embarrasement. He had you his coffee and spoke "Maybe you want to hang out sometime..?"

"Yeah sure, I'm Y/N"

"Brooklyn..oh here's my number"

You smiled and gave a small wave which he returned as well. From that hang out it blossomed into a strong relationship.



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