❣ this ain't us

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"Honey, are you okay?" My sister watched me with a sympathetic look. She held a cup of tea in front of me and I took the cup from her, smiling.

"Thanks," I thanked her, "and I'm fine."

"you don't seem to be fine." She took place next to me and I shared my plaid with her. "I can see that you really miss him." I shrugged. "If you miss him, just call him."

"No, this fight isn't my fault," I answered, being all stubborn.

"Don't be so stubborn and just call him. You two can be so childish," my sister laughed softly. "what was the fight about?"

I shrugged again. "I don't even know. Probably about some rumor he'd read about me 'cheating' on him with some other guy. It's all crap and I don't know why he still believes them like it's the first time they wrote such things about me."

"He'll cool down and call you soon."

"You can't tell yet."

My sister slightly sighed. "Let's just watch a movie together."


The doorbell rang and somewhat annoyed about the fact we had to pause the movie, my sister looked at me.

"I'll get it," my sister said. I nodded and grabbed my phone. No messages from Brooklyn. Normally he'd already texted me that he was sorry or that he missed me and I would text him back that I was sorry too and that I also missed him. I sighed and rested my head on the support of the couch until my sister came back.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Brooklyn's voice spoke.

I looked up. "Hey."

"Can we talk for a moment?" He looked a bit shy at me and shuffled with his feet.

I nodded. "Of course, let's go upstairs then. Are you okay with that?" I asked my sister.

"Of course," she smiled, before she looked at me sharply. "And don't do stupid things."

I groaned in frustration. "(Y/S/N), come on!"

"I wasn't talking about the nasty, I know you two are smart enough, or well, I hope you are. But I was talking about something else."

Brooklyn sent me a confused look, but I shook my head at him that it was okay. "Don't worry," I chuckled softly. "See you later."

Brooklyn said bye to my sister and we walked up the stairs together, toward my room. I crawled on my bed and sat against the headboard while Brooklyn just sat on the edge of the bed. I smiled slightly, though he couldn't see it.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled softly when he turned to me.

For a moment, I thought about forgiving him immediatly – he came to my house to make it up with me. Tough, I laughed sarcastically at him. "Come on, you know I'd never cheat on you and though you don't believe me." Now the words left my mouth, I felt my anger coming back. "You still don't believe me, do you? You're just saying you're sorry because you don't wanna fight." Brooklyn didn't dare to look at me and looked at his hands which were laying in his lap instead. "Unbelievable. This is just so unbelievable! You'd rather believe the stupid media instead of your own girlfriend?!"

"(Y/N), please calm down a bit okay!" Brooklyn shouted. He was getting impatient by now, I could see. "It's not my fault that you're such a hoe!"

My eyes widened and my shoulders dropped a bit. "So that's how you see me?" I mumbled soft and on a said tone. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You're already asking me a question," mumbled Brooklyn grumpy. I could pull out his hair at this moment.

"You know what I mean," I said softly. Brooklyn gave me a little nod without looking at me. "why are we even dating if you see me as... As a... You know," I stuttered.

For the first time since he was here at my place, Brooklyn looked me in my eyes. His eyes and nose were all red and I could clearly see that he'd cried. "Is that a serious question, (Y/N)?"

"I don't know, you say it," I answered, my voice a bit hoarse.

"You wanna know why I'm dating you?" I nodded slightly and Brooklyn scooted over to me and carefully took my hands in his large ones. "Because you the most wonderful, beautiful, sweet and kind girl in the world. You're so down to earth with me, from the beginning till now on. You love me for the person I am, not for my name or my mom and dad. And I'm so, so grateful for that. You don't even know. I know for sure, that there is no girl in the whole entire world who is a better person than you are. You're perfect to me, (Y/N). Please baby, forgive me for what I said. I know you would never cheat on me. I love you so much it hurts. And this ain't us, baby. We're not used to fight as hard as now. I want you to know that I love you so, so much."

I smiled wide and felt my eyes began to water. "Ahw, baby. That's so sweet. I love you too. And of course I love you for who you are. You're such a great person and you don't deserve fake friends, let alone a fake girlfriend. You're such a beautiful boy, Brooklyn. I love you too."

Brooklyn smiled, pulled me in a tight hug and pressed a sweet, soft kiss on my lips.


credits to writer

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