❣ he falls asleep on you

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You were having a 'Friends' marathon with Brooklyn tonight as a spur-of-the-moment date since he got home from the football training a little early. Although it had been a fairly short day for him, he seemed to be really tired; his eyelids would drop down every once in a while and he was rubbing his eyes a lot, which was something he did when he was tired but wanted to stay awake. He was currently sitting next to you and had his elbow on the armrest next to him with his hand supporting his head.

"Brooklyn," you murmured.

He seemed to jump a little, causing you to chuckle.

"Come here," you told him, pulling him closer to you.

He immediately lay down and rested his head in your lap.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I can't seem to stay awake." He yawned.

"It's alright," you said while running your fingers through his hair.

"Just go to sleep."

"Thank you," he mumbled.

You continued to play with his hair as he started to relax. Not even five minutes later, you heard light snoring and looked down to find your boyfriend peacefully sleeping. You stayed on the couch all night as to not wake him, drifting off to sleep only an hour after he had.

You didn't realise Victoria came in since you both were asleep; awed at the moment, quickly taking a snap of the peaceful site showing you the next day.


credits to writer for the first part. i just wrote the last sentence to make it fit x

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