❣ road tripping

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You felt the seat belt tug and you glanced down. Your daughter was out of her seat and was coming onto the front. "Brooklyn!" You grumbled trying to concentrate on driving . He grabbed the child and sat her in the seat "Be good for mommy and daddy ok?" The little girl nodded and flashed her his glinting smile. You relaxed. "Everything good yea?" You grinned at Brooklyn "Yea babe everything's good." He chuckled "This was a good idea. I like it." You nodded, you planned a hiking trip. But seeing as though the camp was miles away you drove there, leaving early in the morning. You were half asleep so Brooklyn took the privilege to drive. "I gotta go pee", a small voice in the back chimed. It was your son, whom by the judge of it couldn't hold on his bladder. "Oh Um." You heard Brooklyn move "Hold on bud, we'll look for a stop area." Your son nodded. "Hurry! I can't hold it!" You looked in the mirror, "Hold on just a little longer sweetie." He grunted and groaned. You found yourself driving through the middle of nothing but trees and not a single restaurant was in sight . You heard him cry out,  "Mommy I can't!" You sighed. "Hold on, ok?" Brooklyn said smiling "Don't want to make a mess for dad, that be bad." Your son nodded. "I promise we're looking.", Out of the corner of your eye spotted a Wendy's. "Look! See there we go." Your son smiled. You pulled over , Brooklyn and him running to the bathroom as you giggled. You saw your daughter out of her seat belt again. You smiled and calmly put her back. Moments later Brooklyn and your son running back towards the car with four ice cream cones in hand. "I got you some ice cream, but you can only have it if you stay in your seat okay?" She nodded her head and reached for the cone. "Ok let's get going!" You laughed as Brooklyn handed you a cone, and then helped your son into the car. "Better?" You said looking at Brooklyn "Much better." He replied giving you a kiss.


credits to owner x

could u pls check out my new story apocalypse ( Brooklyn Beckham)

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