❣ sims

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"Y/N, can we play Sims?" Brooklyn's sleepy voice croaked as you were lying on the couch together; cuddling and watching a movie.

"Um, sure? When? I wanna watch this," You replied paying more attention to the movie than the boy who had his arms wrapped around you and his head berried into the crook of your neck, covering you in kisses.

"Now, Y/N. Please?" You heard him mumble into your neck, planting more small kisses.

You thought for a moment, you did desperately want to see the end of this movie but you knew if you said no Brook would end up annoying you so much that you wouldn't be able to concentrate.

"Fine," you huffed. You quickly got off the couch which made Brooklyn fall flat on his face into the cushions.

"Hey, that was mean..." You heard him mumble, causing you to laugh as you went through to your shared bedroom to get your laptop and the game.

"So what do you want to do first?" You asked as you waited for the game to load.

"Make the family duh," Brooklyn laughed slightly. "We're gonna have... Two adults and two kids, and a dog."

"Alright," you smiled at how involved he was getting already. "What we gonna call the family?"

"Simpsons, duh."

"Oh and are the adults going to be Homer and Marge?" You laughed, turning to look at Brooklyn who had a small smile on his face.

"Very funny," He smirked, "No... Y/N and Brooklyn Simpson."

"Oh..." You could almost feel the heat radiating off your red cheeks.

"Just in case you didn't catch on," Brooklyn whispered close to your face, "The kids are going to be our future kids."

"You've thought about having kids?" You grinned.

"Of course, we're going to have two... A boy and a girl." Brooklyn grinned back before planting a kiss on your cheek.

"Sounds great, Brooklyn." You smiled before your face fell serious. "We need a dog first though."

"We can steal Jesse from my parents," Brooklyn laughed.

You and Brooklyn spent the whole night on Sims, and even some of the next day. You yawned and looked at the clock as Brooklyn was building an extension for your now 7 people family and saw that it was 2:30 AM.

"Brook, look at the time. We should probably go to bed now..." You muttered, leaning your head on his shoulder as he hummed.

"Okay, just give me 5 more minutes." Brooklyn nodded, engrossed in the game.

You walked through to your bedroom and started getting ready for bed. Just as you were about to turn your bedside light out you heard Brooklyn muttering curse words under his breath.

"You okay?" You asked, turning around to the door to face him.

"Yeah, fine. Just knocked my foot on the door when I was leaving the room." Brooklyn mumbled, taking off his trousers and top so he was left in his boxers to sleep in.

"Such an idiot," you joked.

"But I'm your idiot." Brook winked.

"So cheesy as well," you laughed before Brook pulled you closer to him and kissed all over your face.

"Shut up." He laughed. 


credits to writer x 


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