❣ fights

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You made three course meal for you and Brooklyn to share since he was very busy. He promised tonight he would be home at 7, and you knew he kept that word. You sat at the table waiting for him to arrive. 10 mintues till 7.

You tried calling him but he went straight to voicemail. Where was he? You sat there until the clock ticked 10 and he still didn't come home. That's when you figured he wasnt't going to come home tonight and completely miss the dinner date. As you started to clean up, you hear a car come through. That must be Brooklyn. Whatever. No dinner for him.

You started cleaning up the dishes you made a mess in the kitchen. Constantly banging the dishes of how angry you were. The 4 hours going to waste. Brooklyn walking into the kitchen.

"Hey babe" He said as he kissing your cheek. You didn't react. "What's the matter?"

Oh nothing. The fact that your forgot our dinner we planned. But in otherwords nothing.

You slammed the cupboard placing all the dishes back into its place. Drying off your hands, you walked upstairs making yourself comfortable in bed before dozing off. You were pissed that the fact he still didn't remember. You could hear footsteps coming towards the bedroom. He sighed at your sleeping state. He knew he fucked up. He remembered.

"Babe" He shook you slightly "I'm sorry"

"Now your sorry!" His eyes widened in your sudden outburst "I fucking made us dinner. Rememebering you came home at 7 but didn't show up"

"I'm sorry babe. I just missed the time"

"Yeah alright whatever" You saying pulling the blanket and trying to sleep

He slipped in and put his arm around your stomach intertwining your hands together, nuzzling his face between the crook of your neck.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm stupid and an asshole" He whispers

"I know you are" You silently laugh

"I can feel you laugh"

You turn to face him and kiss him wrapping your hands around his neck playing with the back of his hair.

"Apology accepted"


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