❣ a whole new world

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Me and Brooklyn have been dating for about 3 months and I have a deep feeling for him. I feel like he feels the same way. We hanged out when he stopped by in LA, but he went back to London and it has been tough. Although we haven't dated a "long time" for it to be a committed relationship, it feels like I've known him for such a long time, and my feelings for him get stronger everyday.

His mom stayed in LA for a couple more days before she jetted off to London. She asked me to come by around 10am at the house before she left so she could say goodbye. I did as she asked and she was standing in front of the door with her suitcases and an extra small black one by her side.

"Hello Mrs. Beckham! Good morning!"

"Call me Victoria! How many times do I have to tell you love, haha, are you ready to go?"

"Oh yes I forgot, Victoria, and umm.... Why am I supposed to be ready?"

"I'm taking you to London with me, it's a surprise for Brooklyn and you obviously. I'm sure he misses you loads. David tells me how he stays up so late talking to you."

"Oh no. Mrs. Beckham... I mean Victoria, I couldn't.... I shouldn't. I have school and plus my parents don't know and I didn't even pack..."

"I called your school and told them you're on a busy schedule and will makeup your work as soon as you get back, and I also got a small travel study for you." She handed me the packet and my suitcase. "Your parents agreed, we planned this trip for you, and for the packing I got you covered. Come along now."

She started walking to the car, and I had no choice but to follow her. She was an extraordinary woman, so kind, I couldn't find a way to repay her.

I have never been to London. but I have always dreamed of being there, in this new world to explore. With the Beckhams. With Brooklyn.

After 11 hours of flight we finally arrived to the Heathrow Airport. We got a cab and rode off into the city. When we pulled up to the gigantic house, I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to see Brooklyn again. See his smile, hug him, and create new memories while I stay.

"Here we are. Our cab driver will bring our bags. Follow me, I want to surprise Brooklyn, so at the door hide on the side."

"Okay! Will do! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome sweety. Ok now hide." I heard loud footsteps come as she opened the door.
"Mummy is home!" I saw Romeo, and Cruz run toward their mom, David had Harper in his arms and down came Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" As I heard his voice my heart began to race so fast. It doesn't matter how many times I see him, he still makes me feel vulnerable and crazy.

"Look outside." Victoria motioned him towards me. He walked out and I took a step forward. I was inches away from him. He looked into my eyes and a smile grew on his face. Bigger and bigger.

"Y/N !!! What! Why! How! Oh how I missed you!" He brought me into a big hug, I couldn't help but squeeze him back.

"Your mom brought me, she's the best, she paid for everything. How can I ever thank her."

"Oh you don't have to, she loves doing these sorts of things. Come on let's go inside." He wrapped his arm around my neck and took me inside.

"Y/N yay you're here!!" Screamed Romeo, Cruz and Harper. I ran towards them and gave them a big hug.

"Let's play football!! Come on Romeo, lets get our boots!" Yelled Cruz.

"No no no guys, Y/N just arrived and I want to show her my favorite places here in London, you guys have to wait." Brooklyn told the boys.

"Ugh fine. But when you guys come back, promise to play?" Pouted Romeo.

"Of course guys! I love soccer and especially with you guys, we'll play as soon as we come back okay." I felt Brooklyn stare at me with the most kindest eyes ever. He said to me, "I love when you're so nice to my brothers, it means a lot."

"Well, I do really like them." I teased him, "maybe even more than you." He glared at me with a smirk and said, "you're going to change your mind real fast, just watch." I giggle as he made his way into the kitchen. I followed. "DAD! Can I take your car out for a few hours?"

"Why yes of course, son," David answered him, throwing him the keys. "Just be careful okay, don't do anything stupid."

"Thanks dad. And we won't, we'll be back soon." He intertwined his fingers onto mine, and placed a small kiss on my cheek. "I'm about to show you a whole new world princess."


credits to tumblr and writerr x

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