❣ he helps you study

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"I'm bored," Brooklyn moans, collapsing on the sofa. "Go do something then!" you all but beg - you had to get this essay finished today, and your boyfriend had been more of a distraction than a help. "But I want to do something with you!" he whines. "Well you can't," you reply sternly, "I need to finish this essay,". He scoffs, "Can't you just do it tomorrow," waving his hands around in a careless manner. You frown, "You said that yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that! It's due in tomorrow Brooklyn - I have to do it now,". He rolls over to look at you, noticing the desperation in your eyes, "Alright babe, i'm sorry," he apoligises, "I'm just impatient,". "And don't I know it," you both laugh. He leans down and gives you a quick kiss, "I'll leave you be - you might get it done quicker then,".

credits to the person who wrote it

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