20. Can We Skip To The Good Part

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  A/N ⚠️

Hello..., endwena here. Your favourite girl.... I might have accidentally published this chapter some days ago... It was unedited... It was under review... It wasn't a complete chapter... Idek... Call it luck or something else but you had a slice of it.. For those who had read it,i have made some changes here and for those who didn't enjoy 🍓✨

Don't forget to vote or comment here cause that means a lot to me. I love to read your comments and I'm  very careful about that.❤️


                         ~ Rene ~

" Chris , let's head home first cause I have a little surprise for you!" I said, while we were walking downside the road, fingers tangled together. It felt so nice to walk alongside him.. That warmth a person you love can give you in that cold. I rest my head in his forearm and he just gives me a sweet kiss on top of my head. Unconditionally happy. That's how i  felt.. And I could have had this a long time ago... Everything would be different if I was a little more brave. i could have had Chris a long time ago.

You promised. A voice inside my head  called. You made a promise.

A promise.

I did. I recall the moment from that day at school. I'll make Chris fall in love with me, then I leave him. It was just a dare. That voice is alone.. Is hurt.. Is broken. That voice needs somebody to take care of it.

Glaring Chris, looking at his profile, his perfect jaw.. Those eyebrows.. Was I wrong?? Could I do that to him.. Break his heart.. And sink mine with it too.. Cause this wasn't all about him anymore.. I got lost at my own game. This has always been an addiction game... I need him.. I want him... I can-...

My thoughts get interrupted by some soft lips that  brushed with mine... A hot breath tickled  my cold nose. I kiss him back slowly, pulling him by his sweater, my legs on tiptoes. A little  smile escaped my lips while I bite my bottem one slightly. That seemed to tense him up as he slightly pulled my bottem lip between his teeth.

"fuck" I moaned in between our lips.
" What was that for Chris?"

" You were lost" he replied. "I want attention"

This boy is going to kill me for real.

"You want what?" I asked while giggling at him. "What are you a baby?"

" I'm your baby remember?" he said and started to give fast little kisses all over my face. " Babies want kisses"

" But you're treating me like a baby right now!"

He stopped and gave me a shook look.

" I am, ain't I?" he replied licking his lips.

" Common it's 10 Pm already.. We're gonna be late for my surprise" and then I pull him by the sleeve of his sweater so we can get inside the house. " Don't fucking say anything stupid like you say all the time.. Be good otherwise you're not getting that surprise later"

That seemed to get his attention.

"I hate surprises" he whispers opening the front door for me. " But I like you so ill be patient."


Amanda appeared in front of us as soon as we were inside.

" You guys are finally back !?" she sighted. "Eneyd left because he was late for something.. but we waited for you guys a long time though. Where were you? Are you guys hungry? Shall I do something for you?"

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