35.Loving The Other Way

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" Rene, I'm pregnant!"

My eyes widened in shock, cause that was the least thing I expected for her to say.

" aren't you gonna say anything?" she repeated at me, screeching the back of her head in a worry.

" Are you sure?"

"I took a test this morning and it turned out positive.." she sighted. "Re, this is so wrong, I'm not ready for a child yet."

" Have you told Jack?!"

" Not yet!" she replied. " I wanted to make sure first, cause maybe it could be a false alarm.

" How did this all happen though? "

" Re, are you kidding me? " she continues. " I guess you know how kids are made."

A chuckle escaped my lips.

"You know I didn't mean that Al.." I continued. " Weren't you on birth control or something?!"

" Yeah, I always take the pill. Both of us have been really careful about this and I just don't understand how it happened?!"

" How'd you know you were pregnant?! "

" I didn't! " she replied. " I searched the net for all the symptoms I had and it said get your ass a pregnancy test! "

" Al, Wikipedia is shit, it does not have anything right! "

" Yeah but the test does though?!"

" I really am so screwed right now. How am I gonna tell Jack, my dad.. Chr-ri" she didn't continue that sentence anymore. "I think he'd leave me!"

" Who?!"

"Jack, who else? Why would he want to deal with a kid right now?"

" Maybe because it's his kid Al?!" I replied softly. " Jack loves you, I'm sure he'd never do that to you!"

Chris loved you too, but he left without saying a word and broke the hell out of you over the phone. That voice inside my head repeated constantly.

" I don't know how to tell him Re, I'm scared.. I'm scared it's going to ruin our relationship that I've worked so hard to keep!"

" Girl, a kid would make your bond stronger not weaker" I tried to comfort her. " It might be a little early, I know, but it's a miracle. A little piece of you guys is growing inside of you. Isn't that the most beautiful gift?!"

He smiled softly, wrapping her arms around me.

"Now that you're saying it this way, it does seem better."

She places her hand on her belly,rubbing it softly.

" Imagine a little girl, growing here!"

" See it's not that bad after all!"

" I'm still screwed," she repeated.

" You definitely are, though! "

Ale and I have grown to have a really good relationship. We share everything with each other, good or bad, I think she might have  become like a sister to me. She really has helped me to go through a lot, she been there for me a the time, and I'm gonna be there for her.

I'm really excited for this kid. She gonna have a cool mom, a handsome dad, and the best aunt ever. Lucky kid.


The door bursts open with a breathless Jack coming inside. In his hand he holds the test. As soon as I feel the tension inside the room I wanted to excuse myself out, cause I thought this was a conversation for those to have alone.

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