Chapter 3

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Male Lead is a Quilt [Virtual Reality] Chapter 3:

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Ye Nuan hasn't reacted yet, and there are two system prompts: System: [Your pet quilt comprehends multiple transformation skills and obtains an integrated skill: transformation. 】System: 【Your pet quilt has both deforming and hardening skills to obtain the ultimate skill: change. Ye Nuan only later learned that pet skills are staged.

The first stage is basic skills, the second stage is integrated skills, and the third stage is ultimate skills.

Integration skills are the integration of some essentially the same skills. For example, "bigger" and "longer" all change shape, and then "deformation" can be integrated.

Ultimate skills are integrated and improved on the basis of integrated skills. For example, if the two skills of "transformation" and "harden" are integrated and penetrated, it becomes "can become anything", that is, "change."

After the system prompt disappeared, Ye Nuan clicked on the basic information of the quilt, only to see that there was only one skill left in the skill column, that is, "change".

At this time, she didn't know how powerful this skill was, but she felt that the system had been shouting for a long time and it was very awesome, but in the end there was only one skill, emmm...


Skills are better than none.

"Can you walk by yourself now?" Ye Nuan put the quilt in his palm on the ground, and stepped back to see if the quilt could keep up.

The little quilt used its two little jiaos to walk hard in the direction of Ye Nuan, and then one fell to the ground unsteadily: "叽QAQ"

Ye Nuan: "..."

For a moment, Ye Nuan really wanted to turn his head and leave, leaving behind this waste quilt.

However, thinking that she had just smashed so many gold coins for this quilt, she finally picked it up from the ground somewhat depressed and stuffed it into her belt.

She decides to ask others how to raise pets when she goes out to fight monsters later.

However, what she didn't know was - at this moment, the quilt stuck in her belt was also seriously studying how she should use it?

Jindu came in and it didn't help to pretend to be dead.

The quilt is a quilt.

Even if it is a quilt, he will not make a waste quilt that can't do anything.

Ye Nuan rode a unicorn to the haunt of the mission target.

50 "poisonous vines", one person didn't know how long it would take to fight, so after she arrived at the destination, she searched for nearby teams for the first time, and randomly selected one to add.

System: [You have successfully joined the team of player Wolfsmoke. Hearing this system prompt, Ye Nuan turned around subconsciously, and effortlessly saw the four players with blue marks above their heads, who were her teammates.

This is a squad of five, plus she is exactly five.

Captain Wolf Yan is a sturdy man. After admitting her into the team, he walked towards her for the first time.

He is a head taller than her, so he needs to look down at her: "Female?"

Ye Nuan let out a "um".

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