Chapter 32

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Male Lead is a Quilt [Virtual Reality] Chapter 32:

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What's in the box is a proposal ring.

Ye Nuan looked at the brilliant light of the diamond shining in the sun, and lost his senses.

In fact, she just asked casually, thinking that Wen Xiao's answer would be "interacting for a while" or something.

Unexpectedly, he would propose to marry him directly, and even bought the ring.

However, think about it, although they have only met in reality for less than two months, in the game, they have been "depending on each other for life" for two full years.

Two years are enough for them to go from acquaintance to acquaintance to love.

Ye Nuan looked at the ring, couldn't help but smile, and nodded "Yes": "I am willing."

So Wen Xiao took the ring out of the box, held Ye Nuan's hand, and gently put the ring on her hand.

Although she didn't kneel down on one knee, her gestures were thoughtful and caring for her, as if she was treating a fragile treasure.

After putting on the ring, Ye Nuan raised his hand to his eyes.

Her skin was already fair and whiter against the diamonds, as if glowing.

The size of the ring is just right, neither loose nor tight, as if measured beforehand, it fits perfectly.

After Ye Nuan looked at the ring, in the next second, like an octopus, he laughed and threw himself on Wen Xiao.

Wen Xiao took the opportunity to support her body and turned around, but couldn't help but laugh.

Within a few days, the case progressed.

When the police caught her brother Eying, they detected the substance detected at the explosion site from his home.

Originally, this case was investigated as "illegal trading of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods", but the police knew that this case might be related to the explosion of Ye Nuan's car. After the person was arrested, the first thing they said was not "you are suspected of being involved." Illegal buying and selling of flammable and explosive dangerous goods", but "you are suspected of murder".

Her brother Eying panicked for a moment, and then heard the police say a few words "Intentional homicide may be sentenced to death depending on the severity of the circumstances", "Actively cooperate with the police to get a commutation of sentence" and so on, he did not stretch for a while and cried. So he sold his own sister.

During the interrogation, including the subsequent trial, Ye Nuan was not present.

After all, apart from BWRE and her parents, no one knew that she was alive. She was a "dead person" to the outside world, and even had a funeral, her sudden appearance at the scene inevitably caused chaos.

However, there are transcripts of the interrogation and videos of the court trial. Ye Nuan can still watch it if he wants to.

But she regretted it after reading it-why on earth would she want to watch it!

"What do you mean by stealing her job and robbing her man?!" Ye Nuan exploded on the spot, "If she has the ability, it's okay to change me as an assistant! I'm still happy! As for her man? I don't even know who her man is, how can I **** her from her?!"

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