Chapter 13

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Male Lead is a Quilt [Virtual Reality] Chapter 13:

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Ye Nuan's level is not much different from Yumoshuo, so when she was fighting monsters, Yumoshuo didn't have time to play with her.

During the period, there were many people who wanted to kill them. The big brother rode a four-winged war horse and flew over to the two of them for a stop, and those people immediately became birds and animals.

Ye Nuan tilted his head and glanced at the senior brother, not sure whether this person was here to protect them or to see the younger brother.

Or both.

At noon, both of them went offline once.

After going online again, Ye Nuan took Yumoshu and practiced for a while.

Then around 4 pm, Brother Er Brother Sihaixiangxiang went online!

He was almost brought online by the big brother Ye Nuan and Moshou, and then the big brother faintly said these words: "Try it out."

The meaning is to let the second brother and the younger brother fight for a while, try the skills of the younger brother.

Si Hai Xiang Xiang instantly remembered her painful memories of being abused by Ye Nuan Wan, of course she firmly disagrees: "I refuse! I won't do it to death! Why should I come every time? I don't want face?"

Baili Wushuang looked at Ye Nuan: "Then you..."

Ye Nuan blurted out: "Refused."

As the saying goes, "Who advocates and who gives evidence", naturally who wants to test the skills of the younger brother, who will pk with the younger brother, what is her business?

Baili Wushuang threatened Piaoxiang again, but Piaoxiang couldn't follow it.

No way, Baili Wushuang had to go on her own, and beat Yumoshu on her stomach in minutes.

After watching the game, Piaoxiang feels that he can do it!

"I'll try! The master's skills are not human! The second in the master list is not for fun! Younger brother, you should fight with me!"

As he said that, he initiated a pk to Yumoshu, and Yumoshu accepted it expressionlessly, then entered the arena and beat his second senior brother to the ground in minutes.

The fragrance of the world is autistic.

He felt the world's deep malice against him!

——Actually, even the younger junior brother whom Master just received is better than him...So he is now the lowest man in the food chain? !

Fragrance of the Seas said: I am too difficult... (wiping tears)

After checking the skills of the younger brother, the fragrance of the world was taken away by Baili Wushuang.

The Fragrance of the Sea almost disappeared into Ye Nuan's sight all the way crying, thinking that he was going to be dragged to the arena again by the big brother.

There is no way, a person who pays so much attention to rewards, it is impossible to allow the second brother's competitive ranking to remain stuck at 46.

Ye Nuan mourned for the fragrance of the world for a second, and then asked the younger brother if he was still practicing, the younger brother couldn't say anything.

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