♡✿ Chapter 27 Detective Tsukauchi ✿♡

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"How are you two?" Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi asked before sitting down at a nearby chair along with Officer Sansa Tamakawa.

Both girls were eating a sandwich but nodded anyway, Aizawa had thankfully gave the girls some food. (Y/n) finished first before Eri and was now licking her fingers until she gave a dumbfounded look and started sucking on her fingers.
Aizawa gently pushed her hands out her mouth,"Don't do that." She giggled but did as he said. Eri finally finished eat and slowly took hold of her sister, placing her head gently onto (Y/n)'s.

"My name is Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. My quirk is lying, I can tell when someone is lying to me, so please be honest as possible, girls. Now, I'm going to start with something easy... what are your names?"

"E-eri... / I'm (Y/n)."

"How old are you?"

"I'm Six. / uh... four?" It sounded more like question from (Y/n) and the Detective noticed that she was lying,"Please remember to tell the truth, (Y/n)."

This worried the girl drastically, she can't honestly tell the truth... can she? Could she trust them?

"But I am!" Unknowingly using her persuaded quirk, they actually fell for it.

"O-Okay... um What are your quirks?"

"...rewind. / Unhealthing." Again, the Detective's quirk kicked in making it difficult for him.


"What?" Her eyes widened, her heart beating through her ribcage. She wanted to hide away. She didn't honestly tell the anything. All she wanted was her Otosa...

"We need you to cooperate with us or else we won't know how to help you and your sister." The cat detective answered.

She held her breath in for a minute before softly exhaled,"I don't like you guys..." She pushed herself onto Eri's gown, trying to hid from them. Eri hugged her sister, trying to comfort her.

The adults sighed,"Please (Y/n), we only want to help..."

The girl covered her ears, salty tears slowly slid down her cheeks,"Shut up." Her sister wasn't sure what to do but held her close to her embrace just in case she needed it.

Aizawa sighed heavily,"Eri, could you let go of (Y/n) for a minute." The older sibling looked down at her youngst before slowly lifting her hands up but felt a little heartbroken at the action.

Aizawa slowly took hold of little (Y/n) before walking out the door. He gently stroked her hair, at times untangling some knots, while she silently cried onto his black shirt. They walked for a bit before the hero placed the girl onto a nearby chair,"Wanna tell me why your crying?"

Her hands were on her eyes, trying not to see anything around while also trying to wipe them away to stop crying,"I-i... I just... I want Otosa."

"You'll see him again but first, you need to help us. Just answer the questions truthful and you'll see your Otosa again."

"You promise?"

"I can't promise that right now but what I can promise is that if you tell us, truthfully, everything then we'll find your Otosa and take you back to him, okay?"

She moved her hands away from her eyes and looked down at her lap. Her tears fell to her blue hospital gown while she had a runny little nose,"What if... (hiccup) I don't know the answer or (hiccup) I'm too scared to answer?"

"No one is going to hurt you, okay? I promise. And if you don't know the answer, that's okay. Even I sometimes don't know the answer to every question, and I'm a teacher." Aizawa chuckled.

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