Chapter 6

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-No Ones POV-

The pair was making their way towards where the baby is. Mando wasn't really sure where he was at but followed Al who seemed to know where he was located at. Althea was extremely tired ready to knock out at any moment but forced herself to keep going until she knew they were all safe. She stopped right in front of the door feeling Grogus force energy inside. Mando noticed Al stopping looking at the door, but before he could blast it open, he sees Al picking up his arm and jabs at a certain spot on the door forcefully with his finger. He was about to ask what he was doing when he sees the door fall to the ground and watched as he just entered through it as if nothing had happened. He was froze for a bit being amazed and confused on how someone like Al stature and build could do that, bit shook it of knowing now wasn't the right time to ask questions and quickly enters with Al. 

They both see the baby strapped on the table and the doctor on a machine. The doctor starts panicking "No, no, no, no, please. Please. No. No, no. No, no. Please don't hurt him. It's just a child." Al just ignored him and limped quickly to the baby making sure he was alright, while Mando dealt with the doctor. "Please. No. No! Please. No. No, no." Al looks over Grogu seeing that he was okay and breaths out a relieved sigh, not before groaning in pain again from the effects of the drug put on her earlier and starts slowing kneeling down grabbing onto the table to keep her steady. Mando sees this and his concerns and anger grew more. He points his blaster at the doctor. "What did you do to them? What did you do to him? " "I protected the baby. I protected the baby. If it wasn't for me, he would already be dead! As for him I put a drug that only increases pain. It should be gone in about half an hour, I am surprised that he still hasn't passed out from the pain. Please! Please. Please." Before Mando could do anything to the doctor he heard a whimpering sound coming from Al and quickly went to help. He took the restraints of the child and handed him to Al who looked a bit desperate on wanting to hold the child. He helped Al up and put an arm on his side to help him walk better.

"Wow! He is a bit slender and fits in my arm perfectly. Wait, this is not the time to think about this!"

And they walk off towards the exit. They quickly hid behind a crate with Al against him breathing a bit heavily from the pain and wait until the troopers leave. Once they were gone, they went back out with Al carrying Grogu walking right behind Mando. They entered through a door and Mando quickly knocks out two storm troopers. They went through another door and Mando takes out two more one of them being torched to death. Al just grimaced at this. Mando looks back at the two "Let's go" while helping Al go over the burned body. 

They entered the main lounge where they get surrounded by troopers. "Hands up. Drop the blaster." "Wait. What he's holding is very valuable. Here." He gestures to Al to follow his lead and so she does kneel down with him as he slowly puts down his blaster. "Now turn and face me. Stand up!" At this Mando quickly pulls Al into him and releases his whistling birds that takes out the group of troopers. Al looks around and nods at him impressed. "Ya, I know it is cool. Here let me help you up." Mando pulls up Al and wraps his arm around her waist to keep her steady from falling down. They exit the facility and Al puts the baby in her rob to keep him out of eyes view. They tried walking as if nothing was happening, but Althea can sense eyes all around them and jabs Mando lightly signaling him to look around. They stop in their tracks looking at the guns being pointed at them. 

Greef comes out from behind the other bounty hunters. "Welcome back, Mando! Now give up the packages. Mando pulls Al a bit closer to him. "Step aside. We are going to my ship." "You give me the bounties and perhaps I'll let you pass." "They are coming with me." "If you truly care about them, then you'll put them on the speeder, and we'll discuss terms." "How do I know I can trust you?" "Because I'm your only hope." Mando gives Al a small squeeze onto her side to reassure them and guides them to the speeder. Mando and Al make eye contact for a brief second before Mando pulls Al close to his chest and starts to shoot. In the process he had picked up Al with one arm and tossed all three of them into the speeder with Al on the bottom, Mando on top of her shooting, and the baby snuggly resting between the two of them. Mando turns to the driving droid and threatens him to drive while still shooting down bounty hunters, before the speeder gets shot down causing them to stop. Mando looks down seeing he is still on top of them, and he blushes lightly thanking he is wearing a helmet. 

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