Chapter 16

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-No One POV-

Cara, Greef, IG-11 and Grogu were walking inside the sewer as they hear something coming over to them. They stay on alert until they see Mando walking over to them carrying a fainted Althea in his arms. Cara goes over to them first, "Do you need help carrying her." He shakes his head, "No... She used up all her energy healing me. I could carry her. They kept on walking as Greef asks Mando, "Do you know which way to go?" "No. I don't know these tunnels. I've only entered from the bazaar." He then feels Althea move in his arms as he looks down seeing that she is opening her eyes as he says, "Hey... are you feeling, okay?" "Yes, just a bit tired... Haven't used the force that much in such a long time..." "You need to be careful and take care of yourself more." She smiles about to get out of his arms as he says, "Stay still, you need to rest." She nods as she her head on his chest as he then looks around the place as Greef then says, "Wekk, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it'll lead us up to the plains where the river flows."

Mando then says, "And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship. We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety." They walk around a bit more as Cara says, "Ugh, this place is a maze." Althea then asks, "Where is the baby?" Cara then shows him to her as she reaches for him. Cara give him to her as she holds the baby close to her as Mando then tells them. "Stop. I'll try to find tracks." He looks around using his heat ray and says, "We're close. Turn here." They followed him as they enter a dark hallway as it reveals a stack of Mandalorian armor. Mando lets Al get down but still held her up by her waist as they slowly walk up close to the armor and helmets. Mando turns off his light as he stares at it.

Al holds Grogu on one hand as she bends down and touches the pile and feeling through the force that they all fought with honor as she closes her eyes and sighs. Mando then comes over as well and picks up a helmet and looks at it as she places a hand on his arm making him look at him. "They fought with honor and pride and never gave up protecting this place." He could see her sincerity and nods feeling a bit better knowing that they didn't give up. Cara then goes over to them, "We should go." Mando shakes his head, "You go. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way." He then asks Greef, "Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?" "No. When you left the system and took the prizes, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You know how it is. They're mercenaries. They're not zealots."

Mando was starting to get even madder as he stands and looks at Greef, "Did you do this? Did you?!" Al pulls him back as Greef yells back, "No!" Then a woman speaks, "It was not his fault." Everyone stops and turns around seeing Amorer coming out and saying, "We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter. This is what resulted." "Did any survive? "I hope so. One took the foundlings to a safe unknown location. Some may have escaped off-world." Mando looked down at Althea as he has her lean on him for extra support as he looks at Amorer, "Come with us." "No. I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains."

She starts pushing a cart as they all follow her to the smelting room as she disposes each beskar armor inside the smelting machine one by one as she then says to Mando. "Show me the ones whose safety deemed such destruction." Mando helps Althea up as she hold onto Grogu as he says, "These are the ones." "These are the ones that you hunted, then saved?" "Yes. They saved me as well." "From the mudhorn?" "Yes." "She looks weak and he looks helpless." "They are both injured, but they aren't weak or helpless. They can move objects with their mind." "I know of such things. The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers."

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