Chapter 28

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-No One POV-

The group had located Dr. Pershing ship as they try to immobilize them. Inside Dr. Pershing ship he asks the pilots, "What's going on? Who are they?" "I suggest you shut your mouth; this isn't your laboratory." Fett was still on their tail as he aims at the ship as the screen beeps showing that he was in line of target as he shoots a stun blast immobilizing the shop as he then speaks to them in the intercoms. "Lower your shields, disengage all transponders, prepare for boarding." Fett flies right above them landing on top of them so they could enter inside. The door opens revealing Din pointing his blaster at the three as one of the pilots speak, "Before you make a mistake, this is Dr. Pershing." "We've met. Is she alive?" "Yes. She's on the cruiser." He gasps as the pilot raises his blaster at Dr. Pershing's head. 

Cara then comes inside pointing her blaster at the pilot as he says, "Stay back, Dropper." The other pilot speaks, "Easy, pal. Okay? I'm not with him. We can work something out." But instead, the first pilot shoots him dead as Cara has not moved her gun away from him as she says, "Drop your weapon." "No. No, you listen to me. This is a top-tier target of the New Republic. This is a clone engineer. And if they find out that he's dead because of you, you're gonna wish you never left Alderaan. I saw the tear. You wanna know what else I saw? I saw your planet destroyed. I was on the Death Star." Cara then asks, "Which one?" The pilot laughs mockingly, "You think you're funny? Do you know how many millions were killed on those bases?" "Drop your blaster." "As the galaxy cheered?" "Last chance." "Destroying your planet was a small price to pay to rid the galaxy of terrorism." She still shoots him dead as Dr. Pershing screams in fright.

They bring Dr. Pershing into the ship to gain more information and access as they enter a planet and land on a small location. Din and Fett enter a bar looking around for certain people. They look around the place as their eyes land on certain people that he was looking for. They walk towards them as they sit and wait for them. Once in front of them Din asks, "I need your help." Bo-Katan looks at him, "Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose." "They took Althea." "Who?" "Moff Gideon." "You'll never find him." Din clenches his fists as Fett speaks, "We don't need these two. Let's get outta here." 

The two looked back at them as Bo-Katan the says, "You are not a Mandalorian." "Never said I was." Reeves then says, "I didn't know sidekicks were allowed to talk." Fett chuckles as he walks over to her, "Well, if that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy." Reeves stands up facing him as Fett says, "Easy there, little one." "You'll be talking through the window of a bacta tank." Bo-Katan then interferce, "All right, easy. Save it for the Imps." Reeves listens and sits back down as Din speaks, "We have his coordinates." "You can bring me to Moff Gideon?" "The Moff has a light cruiser. It could be helpful in your effort to regain Mandalore." Bo-Katan thinks about it as she recalls Althea's words. Fett then says, "You gotta be kidding me. Mandalore? The Empire turned that planet to glass." Bo-Katan looks at him, "You are a disgrace to your armor." "This armor belonged to my father." "Don't you mean your donor?" "Careful, princess." "You are a clone. I've heard your voice thousands of times." "Mine might be the last one you hear." Reeves then throws a punch at Fett as he ducks and blocks every punch. He grabs her by the back of her neck and throws her to the groundbreaking a table.

Fett then shoots out his grappling hook onto Reeves arm as she pulls him in kneeing him, then using her jet to give her a boost up throwing him into the groundbreaking another table. They both shoot fire at each other glaring at each other as Bo-Katan then says, "Enough! Both of you! If we had shown half that spine to the Empire we would've never lost our planet." They both stare at each other as Bo-Katan looks at Din, "We will help you. In exchange, we will keep that ship to retake Mandalore. If you should manage to finish your quest, I would have you reconsider joining our efforts. Mandalorians have been in exile from our home world for far too long." "Fair enough." "One more thing. Gideon has a weapon that once belonged to me. It is an ancient weapon that can cut through anything." Reeves add, "Almost anything." "It cannot cut through pure beskar." Din looks down at his belt as he still carries Althea's light saber. "Is it similar to Sun's laser sword?" "Yes. I will kill the Mocc and retake what is rightfully mine. With the darksaber restored to me, Mandalore will finally be within reach."

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