Chapter 22

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-No One POV-

It was the next day as they were sleeping. The ship slowly arrives to their destination as they hear alarms beeping causing them to wake up. Mando went to his seat and checked to see that they were really close. Althea goes and sits to the left of Mando holding the baby as he says, "Looks like we made it. Get ready for landing." Althea buckled up and secured the baby in her arms. Mando was struggling with the buttons, "Dank farrik! The landing array isn't responding. Without the guidance system, it'll be a manual re-entry." Althea then says, "I won't be able to repair it fast enough either." He nods, "It might get choppy. Once we're through the atmosphere, there should be enough fuel to slow down. If we don't burn to a crisp." Althea snickers, "That's reassuring." He just rolled his eyes as he lets the ship drop fast.

The Crest starts heating up quickly as the inside started to get warm a bit to warm as the alarm starts blaring. Mando starts switching some buttons as he grunts pulling up the ship. He then says, "Come up here. I need your hands!" Althea goes over to him and grabs the lever pulling it back without the need for him to tell her. He looks at her for a second seeing that she is doing what he wanted and goes back to slowing down the ship.

In the distance people could see a red blob coming down towards them rapidly. Inside the Crest a flight control operator says, "Razor Crest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol." Mando responds, "I'm trying my best here. Engage reverse thrusts. Brace!" Althea looks behind her as the frog lady is prepared and the baby as well as she nods. Mando then says, "Hold on!" The operator speaks again, "Razor Crest, do you copy? You have to reduce speed." "Almost there, almost there." "Razor Crest, do you copy? Razor Crest, you're coming in too fast. You have to re..." He turns of the communication and turns on the thrusters as it slows down. Mando does his best on landing it slowly and steadily. "Here we go. Nice and easy." Althea then says, "Your going to jinx it Mando." "No I'm not." Just as she says he jinxed it as the right propeller malfunctions causing to break and the whole Crest to fall into the water.

Five minutes later they were getting pulled out as Althea says, "I said you jinxed it." He just huffs as she chuckles. They were put down as the group exited Mando and Althea looked at the Crest as she scrunched her nose and looks at Mando. "I could stay behind and help fix... everything." He shakes his head. "I want you to stay next to me with the kid." She nods, "Alright." The dock worker comes over to the two and asks, "So, how can I help you?" Mando asks, "Can you fix it?" "Fix it? Nah. But I can make it fly." "Do what you can." He gives the worker some credits as he starts walking away. The worker then says, "I'll fuel it up." She then takes out more credits and hands it to him giving a better range to work with as she smiles and nods at him and follows Mando.

We walked over to the Frog lady as she calls out for her husband as Althea helps looks around with her. They then hear a male frog shout and they all turned and see him in the distance. The frog lady squeals in happiness and runs over to each other and hug. Althea smiles, "That's sweet." Mando nods and smirks thinking of something, "I could think of something else sweet." Althea blushes but had a comeback for him, "Hmm, but I prefer a meal. I like to feel full." At that she left him a blushing mess not able to say anything back.

"Dank Ferrik... I hope we finish this soon."

She stands close by to the couple letting them have their moment with their eggs as Mando and the babies pod stand next to her. Mando notices that he is looking at the eggs, "I know you're hungry. We'll get you something to eat." Then the Frog man comes over to the two and shake their hands as she they say "Your welcome" to them. Mando the say, "I was told you could lead us to others my kind." The Frog man nods and points to a building saying something. Althea then says, "He wants us to go inside the inn over there and meet the person who will lead us to them." He nods as they follow the couple. As they get inside, they thanked the couple and were escorted to a table as they sat down.

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