Chapter 15

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-No One POV-

It has been a few minutes as Al gave them then news that Kuiil was dead as it has been quiet. Cara decided to break it asking, "Is there another way out?" Greef answers, "No, that's it." Mando then asks, "What about the sewers?" "Sewers?" "The Mandalorian have a covert down in the sewers. If we can get down there, they can help us escape." Cara then says, "Yeah, sewers are good." Mando adds, "Checking for access points." He scans the room as Cara asks, "What the hell are they waiting for?" They watch as troopers are assembling something, as Al says, "They are setting up an E-web." Greef adds, "It's over." Mando then found something, "I found the sewer vent." Cara then says, "Let's get the hell out of here."

They all head towards the vent that was behind some seats as Al stayed at the front to keep an eye on the outside. She looks over to them as they remove the seats as Al then says, "They are almost finish setting the machine up." They hurried faster as they try to pull open the vent as it did not budge at all. Al then says, "They finished assembling it." Greef then asks, "How long since that thing is cleared?" Cara looked at the vent and Mando, "Blow it." "I'm out of charges." "Get out of the way!" Cara tried shooting it open, but it wasn't budging. Al went over right next to Mando about to help.

But the man outside then talks, "Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence and encourage a moment of consideration. Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporize mid-descent facing the predecessor of this particular model." Everyone looked at each other as Mando grabbed Al and pulled her closer to him.

The man continued to speak as Mando and Al steps closer, "Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Din Djarin, has heard the songs of the siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears." Both Mando and Al tensed up hearing that information as Al places her hand on her upper chest.

"Is Mando really Din? ... Is this why I sensed that he was different from other hunters."

Mando was mad that the man revealed his name as he looks down at Al to see her expression. Instead, he sees her taking out a neckless from inside her shirt revealing a very familiar ring that matches with his. He then asked her, "Where did you get that?" Al was about to say something as the man continued talking, "I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside." Al then froze when the man said her name, "And our most prize possession Al. I must say that you were difficult to uncover, but once we heard a rumor spreading that you were in fact, she, it changed the whole game. Wouldn't you be glad to hear that you weren't the only one that escaped The Night of a Thousand Tears Din Djarin." Al kept her face neutral as she looked at her ring and everyone looked at her. Mando didn't know what to say or think about this information.

"Is... Is she really the same person that I thought died all those years ago...? It can't be, I saw them shoot her. But she has the same ring from all those years ago."

Mando's thoughts were confirm when the man then said, "Althea Sunrider, the last descendent of Grand Master of the Jedi Order Nomi Sunrider. In which she possesses the most unique connection to the force in which allows her to wield some of the rarest Force power in the entire galaxy." Everyone was shocked to learn that she was someone that important and also a Jedi herself. Mando couldn't believe that his childhood first love was the one and the same of his new love. "Sun?" He watches as she flinches when calling her that nickname all that time ago as she didn't look at him. He grabbed her face and gently made her face him, "You really are Sun, aren't you?" She nods and finally looks at him, "And you really are Din... I thought I would never see you again Din..." He nods happy that he final was able to see her again, but frustrated that they had to find out in this situation.

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