Chapter 30

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3rd POV

Din thinks for a moment then says, "But you can't say for sure that a jedi had been swayed to the evil side of the forces." Amorer then says, "It has. It's what became of the Jedi's downfall." Althea sighs and nods, "Correct. It all started when a boy with strong connection with the force was brought to the Jedi Temple. Since he was already past age of training to become a Jedi since he already has an attachment to his mother, the council wasn't very keen to letting him train. But they were convinced as the boy was claimed to be the prophetic boy who would bring peace to us all and once and for all defeat the dark side getting rid of them once and for all. As that boy grew older the stronger he became and the hope of the prophecy becoming a reality was looking brighter. But the boy had one flaw and it was his attachment... He had fallen in love with a council woman and soon the two had gotten married in secret as he would've been kicked out from the Jedi temple and would no longer finish his training and become a Jedi Master that sought out to be. The two thought that it would be fine, and they would help one another to make sure he doesn't lose sight and become persuaded by the dark side. At first it seemed things were working out, but little by little the once boy started to change little by little wanting to become stronger and more powerful in thought that it was the only way to protect his wife. But one day the two were blessed as the wife was expecting their first child and they couldn't have been anymore happier."

Din then says, "But isn't that good for them?" Althea nods a bit, "Yes, it does sound like a beautiful forbidden love story, but the love that he had for his wife and unborn child, was also the start of not only his downfall, but the Jedi's downfall as well. Because of his love and attachment to them he started to fear of the many possibilities that would happen if someone were to figure out about their secret, whether they were good or bad. They could've taken them away from him to somewhere else, he would no longer be a jedi, or even worse his family would be targeted. And he thought there was only one way to make sure something like that would never happen and that was to obtain more power than he already had and started to become greedier. Because of this he was influenced by the Sith leader himself convincing him that the only way he could obtain the power he wanted was to join the dark side of the force. Under the guidance of the Sith Lord himself the last thing the boy had to do to become the most powerful was to get rid of all the Jedis in which is now known as Order 66, the fall of the Jedi. Jedis from all over the universe were killed alongside all of our younglings by his own hands. Only a few were able to escape and survive."

 Din then asks, "Like Grogu?" She nods, "Yes... he is probably the only youngling that survived his gruesome massacre. Another that I know of are Ashoka and my master. Even so after he caused the downfall of the Jedi and gained the power, he so desired. He was meet upon his wife who was close to giving birth to their child alongside his Master that taught him everything that he knew. Somebody that they considered each other as brothers both tried to get him to see the wrongdoing that he had created, but the boy was already gone way too deep into the dark force that he himself didn't realize that he killed his own wife. That was his downfall in which he completely got rid of who he used to be Anikan Skywalker and became as the Sith known as Darth Vader." 

Din looked a bit surprised, "Darth Vader? He was someone apart of the Empire that everyone feared until he was defeated a few years ago." I nod, "Yes, he's the one. And the one to defeat him was his own son Luke Skywalker." "Luke? You mean the one that Grogu is being trained by?" I nod, "Yes, that's the Luke that defeated Darth Vader." "How do you know of this?" "Because my master was a part of the councilmen that had to decide whether to let the little boy Anikan train into becoming a Jedi. He was one of the few that wasn't fond of the idea and didn't think it was best to let him in and train." Din nods thinking for a bit as Amorer then says, "Yes, tragic indeed and yet the Princess is choosing the same way as the boy in the story." 

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