Chapter 25

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-No One POV-

It has been a few hours as it was getting darker. They are going through branches as they make it to their destination as Din says, "Well, these are the coordinates. Keep your eyes open. We must be close." Althea nods as she felt a shift in the force. She could sense someone nearby looking at them from a distance. But she just pretends that she hasn't notice yet. Althea looks at a direction as a noise can be heard. Din asks, "You hear that?" She nods as he then says, "Just stand there. Let me see what's out there." "Are you sure Din?" He nods and uses a telescope to look around. He sees a creature, "False alarm." But when he said that Althea moved out of the way as someone jumps them with their light saber out. Din was able to protect himself with his beskar armor. He keeps on blocking her swings as he uses his grappling hook and tie her. She jumps and over a branch to get out as he turns around pointing his blaster at her. Althea then speaks from behind him, "Ahsoka Tano!" She didn't say anything and went straight to attack Din again. But instead, he was pulled down to the ground by Althea as she had her light saber on releasing a dark purple light that stopped her two white lightsabers. Ahsoka looked at the color in astonishment and then at the girl as Din watched the two as Althea then says, "Bo-Katan sent us. We need to talk." She straightens up and looks at her as she says, "I hope it's about you." Althea smiles, "Not really. It's more about him." She moves her cape over to reveal the baby as Ahsoka looks at him in awe.

Althea then goes over and places Grogu down on a boulder so Ahsoka could look at him better. Althea looks at her, "Would you like to talk to him first." Ahsoka nods, "I would like to talk to you both." She nods as she looks at Din, "It might take a while so rest over there." He nods and sits down out of ear shout but still close enough to see them. It turn'd dark as they three still were talking to each other with no words but their minds. Din was pacing around wondering what the three were doing as Ashoka and Althea looked over at him as he stops and looks at them. When they were done Althea picks Grogu up as they walked back over to Din. They sit down as Din asks Ahsoka, "Is he speaking? Do you understand him?" Althea chuckles as Ahsoka says, "In a way. Grogu, Althea, and I can feel each other's thoughts." Din asks, "Grogu?" Althea nods, "You didn't know?" "You didn't tell me." "Oh, I guess since you didn't ask." "So his name is Grogu." Grogu then looks at him as Din as well. As Althea nods, "Yes. That's his name. So you don't need to give him those other names that you came up with." He shrugs as he then looks back at him, "Grogu." Gogu looks at him and coos. Ahsoka then speaks, "He was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Many Masters trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars when the Empire rose to power, he was hidden. Someone took him from the Temple. Then his memory becomes... dark. He seemed lost. Alone. That is until he found her Althea Sunrider." Althea nods recalling the moment they meet and smiles.

Ahsoka continued, "She comes from a very respectable and well-known bloodline of Jedi. Our teachings and fundamentals of our code is due to her ancestors. Not only that she processes a rare type of connection to the force that can't be done by other Jedi's. As for Grogu, I've only known one other being like this. A wise Jedi Master named Yoda." Althea nods, "I only heard stories of him from my master." Ahsoka nods, "Yes, as for your lightsaber I only seen one other person with that color. But your seems to be darker." Althea nods, "Yes. My Master is named Mace Windu." She nods, "Yes I know of him. Meet with him a lot of times. Very strict." Althea smiles and nods, "Yes he is?" Ahsoka looks at Grogu, "Can he still wield the Force?" Althea nods as Din says, "You mean their powers?" Althea sighs as Ahsoka says, "The Force is what gives them their powers. It is an energy field created by all living things. To wield it takes a great deal of training and discipline." Din nods, "I've seen them do things I can't explain. My task was to bring him to a Jedi." "The Jedi Order fell a long time ago." "So did the Empire, yet it still hunts them. They need your help." Ahsoka looks at the two as Althea and Grogu sit as he is sleeping as she meditates. Ahsoka sighs as Althea says, "Let him sleep. You could test him tomorrow." Ahsoka nods.

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