Chapter 11

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-No One POV-

They walked back to the bay area as Mando was walking towards the ship, but Al could feel Grogu asleep somewhere else. As she was heading to where the woman was resting quietly everyone got startled when Mando was running towards where they were and yelled. "Hey!" The woman jumps up, "I'm awake! I'm awake! Oh." Grogu started crying as she tried to get him to quiet down. Mando then says, "Where is he?" Al then says, "Mando, it's all right he is over here with the mechanic." The women comes out saying to Grogu, "Oh. It's okay. You woke it up. Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to sleep?" Al looked very anticipated to have the baby back and get him back to sleep. Mando says, "Give him to me." The women was reluctant, "Not so fast! I see why she was so reluctant to not leave the ship. You can't just leave a child all alone like that." 

The woman looked at Al's face seeing that she was worried and only had eyes on the baby as she hands him over back to her. Al quickly grabs him and puts her hand on his head sending a calming and soothing force, making him stop crying. They both had watched how much she affects the child. The lady then looks over at Mando, "You know, you have an awful lot to learn about raisin' a young one. Your probably lucky that she is around to take care of him. Anyway, I started the repair on the fuel leak. There you go. I had a couple setbacks I want to talk to you about. You know, I didn't use any droids, as requested, so it took me a lot longer than I expected. But I figured you were good for the money since you have two extra mouth to feed." Mando looked at the woman, "Thank you." Al also came over to her, "Yes, thank you very much. You must be very tired. But would you please tell us your name." "Uhhh... sure. I am Peli." "It was nice meeting you Peli, I am Al and this is Mando." Peli nods then asks, "This has been bothering me a bit but are you actually green under that helmet?" Mando and Al both blush again as someone else misunderstood. Al then says, "Sorry, uh, we aren't together like that. And this child isn't actually ours..." Mando then thinks,


Peli nods as Mando starts to leave and Al hands the baby back to her as she says, "Oh, I guess I was right. You got a job, didn't you? You know, it's costing me a lot of money to keep these droids even powered up." We exited the door as Toro was there, "Hey, Mando, what do you think? Not to shabby, huh?" Mando starts looking over it as Toro goes up to Al smirking, "Hey beautiful, we only have two but you could ride with me." Mando see's that Toro was to close to her and was gets to in between the two mad. He faces Toro, "First, she isn't interested and second she isn't coming with us." He then faces Al as she asks, "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you two?" He nods, "I want you to stay with the kid and check if you could fix anything on the ship so we could get out of here faster."

"And I don't want to be so close to this guy."

Al also feels that it was best that she stayed there with Pel and Grogu. She nods, "All right. But let me first check the bikes." He nods and lets her check. Both him and Toro are watching as she makes some adjustments on both bikes. Mando looks over at Toro seeing that he was only looking at certain areas of Al making him annoyed, "Eye's off kid..." Toro puts his hands up, "All right, all right." Al finishes and goes over to the two, "I made some adjustments to them, and they should be faster than before." Mando nods, "Thank you." She gives them a smile as she goes over to Peli and Grogu as she caresses his head. 

Toro looks at them and the kid and shrugs it off. He gets on the as Mando also gets on Al comes over to him and grabs his arm making him look at her, "Before you go take this." She grabs a cuff bracelet out of her pocket and hands it to Mando saying, "If you encounter any Tuskens hand it to them and tell them to prepare the items and be ready for an arrive soon." Mando looks at her wanting to question what it means but decided it wasn't the time and just nods. Al smiles, "Thank you and stay safe out there." He nods and then the two sets off. Al sighs and turns back to Peli and Grogu, "Shall we finish the ship before they arrive back."  "Yeah, lets go inside and we should also have something to eat." "Yes, thank you for your kindness to us." "No worries, plus it's nice to have extra hands and someone have some girl talk." Al smiles and nods, "Then we shall do that." They head back inside speaking to one another.

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