No Cookie

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How do you even know if you feel comfortable enough to kiss a guy, you know he wants to do it but does it mean you want it too? Hell no, Bree didn't want it one bit, she thought she likes the guy and his company but seeing him trying to steal a kiss while she was visibly uncomfortable made her upset so she dodged by turning her face, of course Fred wasn't too happy about it and let's just say the action got him sobered up and he looked at her straight in her eyes then said "I'm a forty something years old and I'm divorced, you think that's ok to make me wait for a kiss". Bree just excused herself and said that it was late and she was uncomfortable in her clothes so she had to go, to which Fred agreed while still smirking.

Was it the attention that she liked form this guy, or was it because it has been almost three years the last time she was close with a guy like that; but then again was their interaction over two days enough for him to try and kiss her, arrrh so confusing.

As she reached home she went straight for a shower and was surprised to find her phone ringing when she was coming out, without checking the caller ID she responded, "allo" "you made it home safely I presume" "pardon me who's calling" "it's Fred, you didn't save my number yet" Bree rolled her eyes he hadn't given her his number "that's maybe because you didn't think to give it to me". Fred laughed lightly "okay, fair enough. You and me this Friday night, what do you say?" "Maybe" ok see you Friday, sleep tight gorgeous" with that Fred hang up.

What did I agree to? Bree asked herself then smile, Friday was after tomorrow there was no reason to stress about it and with that she went to sleep.

Next day was out before she could blink with too much work, she didn't think to check on anyone that day, so she was relieved to see she didn't have any missed call or message. Then she thought to herself so much for wanting to spend time with me dude can't even check on me.

Friday morning came and Bree had given some thoughts into spending a night with Fred, on one hand it has been ages since she was intimate with a man and was sure by now that she had major cobwebs down there, although she had a sex toy the feeling was not really the same. Yes she had learn to masturbate after her husband left her thanks to her therapist that had told her that she will benefit from it because she would better understand her body and needs, master her way of pleasure. She tried but it did not come to her naturally at first so she bought a toy to help and the first time she reached an orgasm she was beyond happy, she had done it alone with just her "purple bull" don't blame her she had to name her sex toy you know so that it doesn't feel too weird it was after all her first time with a toy.

On the other hand was Fred and a possible one night stand, was that really what she wanted?! He didn't look like he was really interested in her, it looks like he was rather after an easy lay and her situation of single mother awaiting court order for her divorce judgement seems to make her an easy prey. He didn't really court her, he tried to kiss her quiet early and now he had proposed a night with him. At least he was direct and didn't beat around the bush but she wasn't just going to lay with just any man, she wanted some kind of connection, he did not attract her sexually in fact that might be why she didn't kiss him. She was always shy at first but when a man was attractive and made her feel comfortable she would let him kiss her and get use to him reciprocate even, it became clear as day for Bree that she wasn't into Fred and so she did what she thought was best she sent a message to cancel for the night.

Bree: Hey Fred I hope you're doing great, I can't make it today..I hope you have a safe trip back. Cheers

She put her phone in her purse she wasn't really expecting a response, she had just decided that Fred was a nice encounter but he was just that and nothing more, he wasn't going to get her cookie and she would not see his dick, "purple bull" will suffice for now, in fact maybe a hot bath and masturbation session would do for tonight.

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