Public Eye

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Bree POV

Do I submit?
I've been left in the bedroom by a very authoritarian man who just the night before was showing me an extreme sensitivity but now he's gone « homme des cavernes » on me.

I swear to God I want to punch him in the face even though I will be the one to get hurt.
How do I resonate the beast to bring back the man?

I followed him in the living-room and saw him picking up his bag ready to go, God please help me.

« Yan, babe we need to talk and I mean have a conversation where both of us have the ability to share our thoughts. I, I need you to help me understand your thoughts on this and I can also explain where I am on this topic so we can understand each other, please my love. »

I am now standing next to him holding his hands, his jaw seemingly relax a little.

I continue to talk since he is not saying a word.
« You can drop me and in the evening we can go for a walk or a run so we can talk some more, what do you think? »

« If you agree to me dropping you then we do as you wish after that. »

I didn't get no smile from him but at least some positive response, we will settle for that for now; can't go in the office in a sour mood it will just fuck up the day.

« Can I have a kiss before we go? »

He looked at me a bit unsure then put a soft kiss on my forehead, took my hand in his and led us outside.

We got in the car and Franck drove us to my office, Yan didn't even say a word as he was checking his emails on his phone; he kept my hand in his other hand while doing so.

I needed to pick my phone from my purse so I took my hand back gently, as soon as he felt his hand empty he lifted his head and watch me attentively; once I was done he took my hand back kissed the back and kept our fingers tangled.

We did reach my office, in all honesty I was dreading this moment, coming late and with my boyfriend just sound like I didn't sleep at home but was out doing the nasty.

Before he got out of the car to open my door he looked at me and say, « I'm sorry I overreacted please don't hold it against me. We will talk later.»

Okay, so I'm not crazy

« We said we'll talk about it in the evening, let's focus on having a productive day so we can enjoy our evening. » This is what I responded.

He got out and came to open for me, our routine must look funny from afar, Frank opens his door and he opens mine then gives me his hand to hold to get out of the car.

There are always few stares from the drivers and people passing by, yeah we're an interracial couple in Africa it's funny.

Holding hands on one side and my computer satchel in his other hand we proceed to walk to the elevator, security passed it seems there won't be much people to see us until the doors open revealing a dashing Adam accompanied by my boss.

Adam whispered something to him and his face that was calm a just a minute ago seemed troubled.

I remain calm and it seems Yan got into business mode, stern face, chest up, head held high.

God the time is now please 🙏🏾

I say this silent prayer because there's just too much testosterone at the moment.

« Good morning MD, it's a pleasure to see you »

« Morning Madame, everything is fine? »

He looks at me then at Yan as if trying to understand what he sees.

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