New Daddy

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It was 7 am and Bree was finishing up the last of the crepes she was making for breakfast, after Yan left she tried to sleep longer but her mind wouldn't allow it, she did a bit of yoga, showered and decided to cook breakfast.

Nothing fancy some crepes, hot chocolate, eggs and sausages. Her kids weren't too picky so it would do as she wasn't fully back to herself.

Ava came in the kitchen and greeted her « morning mum can I get a hug » « of course sweetheart » « hey I'm here too, Ava left me in the bedroom » « good morning my love, your sister can't be waiting for you to wake up before she leaves the room please understand baby girl ».

« I've made breakfast go wash up and come so we eat », « where is Yan, mum » « yes where is he » as if summoned by their questions the doorbell rang.
« I had hoped for a girl day with you guys, how come you want someone else?! »

Bree went to open the door and a casually dressed Yan showed up, she didn't know how to greet him with her children watching and he sensed her hesitation so he settled for a quick peck on the chick then proceeded to greet the girls who greeted him back in chorus. Bree found it funny how they were always acting like twins.

The girls left to get ready so Yan and Bree were left alone for a good 20 minutes and she was just watching him, studying him as if it was the first time they met, « why are looking at me so intensely ?! » he asked her after few minutes. « Was I really watching you, how did you see me? » she smirked.

« I'm glad you are feeling better honey ».
Just when he was praising her health progress the girls joined them, they were discussing amongst themselves and seem to be arguing a little. Unknown to Bree and Yan, Ava and Ariana took a speedy shower and were observing them, while doing so Ava told her sister that they were getting a new daddy and Ariana was offended.

The group of 4 was having breakfast but Bree could sense that one of the girls seemed uncomfortable, like something was bothering her deeply, she decided to address it once they will be done before going for the outing Yan was taking them to.

« Ariana, can you help me search for something ? » « hmmm, yes mum », the both left the living room and found themselves in the bedroom, Ava was on their tail. « Mum only called me Ava » « yes but I can help, plus I want to be their when she confirms that we are getting a new daddy ». Ava realised she spoke too much when she saw the look on their mother face.

Bree was taken aback, she knew they were smart and could understand and pick-up on things but this was too soon, she hadn't figured out where whatever they had Yan and herself was going but couldn't imagine that her children would have read more in this blossoming romance.

« What make you say that Ava? » Bree asked, Ava was a bit bothered by her mum's look and question so she thought it better to apologise « I'm sorry mummy », Ava look down and Ariana felt bad because her sister got caught cause she couldn't keep a secret. « Don't apologise, I'm not mad just very surprised » Bree responded honestly.

Ava let out a breath « really », then Bree looked at her other daughter and asked « is this the reason you seemed uncomfortable Ariana ? » and she moved her head yes but Bree wasn't satisfied she mouthed words and Ariana said it loud « yes mummy ».

Bree opened her arm and told both girls to come for a group hug, she was terrified and upset with herself, she let her sex life affect her children how was she supposed to manage their expectations without crushing them.

« Ava, Ariana, I want you to be able to tell me everything and anything that comes to your mind without being scared, can you promise me that ? » both girls nodded their heads, « words please ». Each one promised in their own terms and she gave them kisses.

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