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"Kiss your girls for me, I'm sure it was a case of mistaken identity like you said but in any case if someone suspect shows up near your house call me immediately ok?" "I promise I will but I'm sure there's nothing to it" they kissed slowly and passionately only to split when they both needed air in their lungs.

Yohann had dropped Bree at her place, it was 1 in the morning he didn't want to let her go but could not expect her to be willing to sleep somewhere else then at her house with her kids, he would have to just accept the evening they shared and sleep in his own bed. He had a sad face when going and Bree noticed it "babe" "yes", "I'm going to miss you as well and I feel like sleeping next to you is soothing to my spirit".

She felt the need to let him in on her feelings so that he understands that she cares but has children to think about first and foremost.

"Thank you, I now know I'm not alone in this. I will be patient with you. Now get in before I change my mind".

Bree entered her apartment and let out a breath she did not know she was holding, we are moving too fast, how is it even possible? Let me kiss my children and go to bed, I'll have to explain why we are using a different car in the morning.

She entered her kids bedroom and her sister automatically woke up, "sorry I didn't mean to" "that's fine, you sounded weird on the phone so I wanted to keep an eye on them" "I might have done some good to deserve you" they embraced each other, then Bree proceeded to kiss each girl on the forehead, luckily none woke up.

They both exited the girl's bedroom and went in Bree's, while she was removing her clothes her sister spoke, "don't even think of keeping whatever made you call me and divert from home for yourself, spit it now" "OK, first do I need to remind you that I'm your eldest?! I wasn't going to keep it, I'm trying to understand this whole day really."

She told almost everything of her day keeping the nasty details to herself because in her own head she was sounding like a sex craved woman who can't say no to dick, well one particular dick as of late ; the only dick she's had in 3 years actually.

Come to think of it Bree was questioning what made it happen so effortlessly, was it the fact that he was good looking or that he surprised her in a moment of weakness.

It's not love yet of that she's certain but she does miss him when he is not around and she like his I'm in charge attitude, she's been her own man for so long it was actually very pleasing to have someone who wanted to take care of her.

They finished talking with her sister a good thirty minutes ago and she noticed she had a notification on her phone, so she decided to check directly cause it could be her Beau.

Yohann : I know you can't believe me but I miss you, kisses

Bree: you're right I don't believe you. I think your dick misses my pussy 🙃

Yohann : Don't be ridiculous, I miss the both of you 😁

Bree: I knew it you like that bitch too much, now go to bed, sexy 😘

Yohann : Bree, what are we?

"OMG, why, why? ", Bree wasn't expecting the question she was already thinking they were going fast why ask the question, true they have known each other for few months but they only made it official few days ago at this point in time why would he want to label it?

Her phone rang, she thought to let it ring then she remembered that he has a tendency of imagining the worst so she picked it, "you can't run away because I ask you a question, you know" "but why would you ask me that, don't you think it's too soon to label anything between us?" "that's a fair point, you know you shouldn't be afraid to tell me what you think even when I'm being forceful as you put it last time" "OK, I take note of that, I'd love to chat longer but it's 2am now babe" "I miss you next to me, I want to hear you breathe until you fall asleep, I discovered that it soothes me" "is there something bothering you, you can talk to me you know".

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