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Bree put her phone face down and walked to the bathroom to take that much needed shower, she didn't even bother to cut the call or explain why she wouldn't entertain him and his request. After all he was too busy for her, he should keep that same energy now.

After a long relaxing shower, Bree ordered room service, she was starved and the food in the plane usually leaves her bloated, "I will hit the gym tomorrow" she thought to herself.

She decided to watch some TV to relax before calling it a night. Her phone pinged announcing a message.

Yohann: Can't believe you left me hanging, mama 😔

I'm sure tomorrow will bring you realization, she rolled her eyes at her phone. Ding was heard at the door and she smiled at the prospect of good food.

While enjoying her club sandwich and French fries she was thinking about what she would like from a relationship, what was sure is that she wasn't after mariage she was off that topic for a while.

She still wanted to have a serious relationship where they would be enjoying each other's company and be companion, friends, present for each other, physically attracted and compatible or was it too much to ask!

"I mean what's the point of being in a relationship if both parties are miserable" she thought. After too much thinking she decided to call it a night.

Morning came and as she planned she went to the gym, she loved the setup not to big but we'll equipped, there were not so many people a fat indian guy and a slender white dude plus the coach, exactly the way she likes it not too many people. Bree wasn't a modest woman she loved to wear curves fitting outfit and sports fits were no different but she did enjoy the calm and not crowded gym place.

She was rocking a sport bra and some tights leggings that were sitting like a second skin, the color burgundy was what made the difference. Since she's been training you couldn't tell that Bree As a mother of two so she would also get attention form younger men, only issue she did not like that one bit.

The coach came to great her and ask how long she planned to train and what were her focus, she explained that she had 30 minutes before she had to get to work, so he indicated her to use the bike and she could train legs with him later; she was glad having a coach always helped her stay on track.

Her training session went great, she was disappointed that no cute man had shown up during her time at the gym but at least she could count this as a great workout session, the coach did go hard on her and she could feel it

She was done with her shower and choose an all red look, after all this was the first time she'll be meeting the head office team. She gotta leave a good and lasting impression.

She went for breakfast and it was now time to go, a driver had come to pick her up, one of the person at the office sent her a text to inform that the driver was by the lobby searching for her

Traffic wasn't really bad so it took them a total 30 minutes to reach the office. She learned that this wasn't the head office building but rather the building that housed the marketing team, she thought it was dope that they get to be in a total different building, she wished it was the same back home.

Her first meeting was scheduled for 11:30 and she made it to the office at 9:30 so she had time to check her emails and work for an hour. Apart from her boss that came to say hello and the guy that take care of the website it was pretty lonely but then again she really stood out dressed as she was, they looked rather casual Bree thought.

She opened her laptop and started going through a series of mail, she has been set up in the office small meeting room while the rest of the team was in the open space just next door, she was so concentrated that she got confused for a minute when she heard her phone pinged.

Yohann: who is being a naughty girl?

Bree: Me? I mean you?

She immediately put her phone back in her purse, this wasn't the tile for a conversation with a potential love interest.

She heard the phone pinged bit paid it no mind, focusing on finishing that email she was working on.

"What is he talking about that guy is going crazy or what"Bree was thinking when her phone rang, she had forgotten to silence it so the ringtone was heard in the office despite her being in the meeting all alone, she just picked quickly to avoid further disturbing the quiet place.

It was a video call and it was Adam, but Bree didn't know any of this cause she picked in a hurry and didn't care to look at the screen.

"Hello beautiful, did you miss me?" "Hey Adam, how are you?"
"What do you mean hey, what kind of sweetheart are you my love? How can you travel without telling me?"
"Adam, now is not a good time I'm about to enter a meeting "
" Call me as soon as you're out, I miss you sweety. Kisses" he hung up at list he didn't wait for me to tell him things she thought.

During her call Bree received a notification for a new message that she didn't see cause she was on the phone and it read

Yohann : are you kidding me right now, who are talking to? Is there another man in your life?

The phone rang again, "I just said that now was not a good time"
"Who are you talking to Bree, cause it surely isn't me" that's when Bree looked at the caller ID "Yohann".

P.S (Photo of Bree's look above)

Is Bree getting in trouble? Do you think Yohann is getting territorial with her?

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