Hug Me Tight

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Adam grabbed Bree neck so she couldn't escape him as she wanted to pull out from the kiss, she felt trapped so she decided to bite him and to Bree's surprise it worked, "ouch, did want to chop my tongue off" "since you were adamant to put it where it doesn't belong".

Adam was stunned and apologized "I thought you wanted me, the way your eyes were looking at me just some minutes ago" "I don't know what you are imagining but you're far from it, I was just lost in my thoughts and they were not about you" Bree lied but what could she do, she wasn't sure about this soudain interest he had for just few days of her finding herself a Greek god, who was yet to contact her but that's beyond the point.

"Let's pretend none of this happen because we have to work together" "why am I so bad as a man", Adam was now sporting a hurt look as if he thought she was denying him where he was the perfect candidate for her.

"Look Adam, I think we should just stay colleagues, you liking me is bound to complicate things for us at work. You seem like a nice guys so don't waist both our time".

"Let me take you to your car, it's late I don't want to leave you alone in the building, plus the parking,would be dark at this time I won't be comfortable knowing that I left you alone". Bree thought that his gesture was sweet and that it meant he understood where He was coming from.

They left the building and headed to her car, Bree thanked him then made the mistake of asking where his car were, to which he simply explain that he had lent it to his brother that lived in London but they should be here for him in half an hour, she felt bad leaving him behind so she asked where he was heading next, he smiled "home", she said she was headed toward Lavalle, he said he lived 1km before and so they decided to ride together.

The car ride was smooth, with them just talking about the music mainly and Adam throwing in some jokes from time to time, Bree doesn't recall Adam being that fun and talkative, since her mouth got its own brain she heard herself say "I never thought you were this interesting, you barely talk during department head meetings" he smiled at her and just said "I'm not a talker, I'm a doer. Most people want to look good but they don't deliver on their numbers, while they talk I do my job". She was impressed by how confident he sounded at that moment she was really starting to feel like she had missjudged him.

"Please pull off in the next 200 meters, this is my home" "okay". "Thank you baby, I have enjoyed the ride, hopefully it won't be the last time". He didn't try to kiss her again and just got out of the car and walked straight into his compound. She was back on the road the minute after and realized the ride had been fun and he is not so bad after all that is when you remove the kissing that wasn't supposed to happen.

Bree got home and was exhausted, decided to go for a shower then will kiss her babies and go to bed; no point in staying awake too long she had an early morning fitness session for which se wanted to be ready.


The week past and was uneventful, Yohan had stayed silent and she was debating on whether or not writing to him, she had also managed to dodge Adam and didn't meet anymore, she just couldn't bring herself to trust him to act appropriately.

It was Friday night, she was home had put her babies to bed after watching a cartoon with them. It was peaceful but felt lonely, her phone vibrated signaling she had a message, she looked at the time it was 10:30pm who could it be, she asked herself "let me wallow in my loneliness in peace" she stood up and grabbed her phone

Adam: what are you doing?
Me: I'm there seating in my living room bored and lonely
Adam: didn't feel like going out?
Me: I don't go out
Adam: what do you do to relax or have fun
Me: I don't know when was the last time I had fun in the night
Adam: 😱😱😱
Me: my type of fun is homey now, a drink, food and great conversation
Adam: what would you like to do now? Or what is it you're missing now
Me: I want to be hugged as if I was the most important woman in the world
Adam: say less I'll be there in 25 minutes.

She was looking at her phone, did I just invite him or did he invite himself? Is he really going to come it's pretty late already. Despite these questions she went into her room change her dress to a casual can't go out in nightie she thought to herself, put some mild perfume and light lip balm that's when she heard the noise at her door, her gateman was announcing a visitor, she simply said to let him in.

Here goes nothing, Adam was casually dress in a dark blue tracksuit with a white t-shirt and a baseball cap, he looked good and more relaxed than at the office. For some reason she found him cute and smiled at him, Adam welcomed her with a warm hug and she let herself feel his embrace rejoicing at the fact that he left everything to attend to her needs for a hug. It was what she's been missing for a while gentle care and affection. After a while she told him that she didn't feel comfortable having a man in her house as of yet if they could just stay on the porch to what he agreed with no issue.

He sat down on a chair and pulled her on his laps, Bree gasped at the unexpected gesture and Adam told her "I can't hug you if you're far angel" she let him take the lead after all she needed some man attention and it seems as though Yohan had forgotten about her enjoying New Zealand and all it has to offer so much that he couldn't even drop a message while busy posting Whatsapp stories.

She decided to focus on her visitor who so kindly lended his arms and laps, he was quiet just caressing her arm, it was soothing to say the least but Bree was a starved woman and all this attention had started to do something to her and she started squirming on top of him, unknown to Bree Adam was very sensitive and her moves were starting to affect him and his little friend who seems not so little now that Bree could feel it.

Now if Bree was acting as the perfect lady she always is there would be no problem but something primal was there that night, maybe it was the years she spend without a partner, maybe it was the fact he was reacting to her body proving that she still got it or maybe she just wanted to scratch that itch, no matter what it was Bree decided to act on it. She moved enough so she was now straddling him, Adam was stunned he did not expect her to take charge, in fact in his head he was prepared for a severe case of blue balls, he had decided to go at her pace.

Seating on top of him looking him right in the eyes she said "kiss me, like tomorrow doesn't exist" before he could respond she smacked her lips on his and got entrance granted for her tongue as Adam was a bit taken a back. She immediately started to grind on him and rotating her hips making sure his dick touch her core, she was possessed, kissing and slowly bitting him. Adam put his hands on her hips to try and steady her, she was driving him crazy but he didn't want to look like he wanted to taste her so badly. She stopped to breath and saw his face looking a bit shy, that's cute, she thought, someone is used to being in charge and to have submissive women. She felt like adding a bit, playful she moved her mouth closer to his face kissed his lips and then gave some bitting on his hears while saying, how it's been ages that a man had made her scream. Now Adam had lost all his resolved and put his hands on her round ass and yank up her dress, Bree immediately sobered up and told him to stop. "What? Why?"

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Is Bree pushing Adam too far?

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