What's next

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"Is he serious right now? You gonna leave me like that?!" Bree took a boubou and put it on, she then followed him in the bathroom, before entering she listened to the door, she heard water coming down, he's showering damn bastard she thought, "well here goes nothing."

She entered the bathroom and called him "Yohann" no answer, "I know you can hear me, I think we need to talk" "what is there to talk about, you want to keep fucking around, I get it" she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Ok, I'm going to need you to stop there, I don't want to keep fucking around but I can't be with a man who thinks that my kids are an issue to date me. I wasn't expecting you and I think you've noticed that I have been limiting our interactions to a minimum.  Before you even came I sensed that you were no longer interested. I didn't want to confront you about it so I just started withdrawing myself. Then you come here fuck me after you've specifically told me you don't do kids. Well sir I have kids and they are not going anywhere".

He had stopped showering and was looking at her straight in her eyes, drinking every word. He saw that she looked pained as if it was difficult for her to have that conversation, damn him for putting himself in this situation he thought.

"Listen to me, I know what I said but I'm the same person coming back to you, am I not here with you?" "Can you look past what I said to see that I'm trying here?"

"Until when? When I'm madly in love and you reject the responsibility of my kids? When they get used to having you around and you feel it is too much? When Yohann, until when will you try?" Bree hadn't noticed but tears were falling on her cheeks and Yohan couldn't help himself, he walked towards Bree to close the gap and try to ease her pain by cradling her in his arms, she refused at first but finally settled, all he could say was "I'm sorry mama, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you and I want you, I really do".

"You can't just want part of me, me and my kids are a package deal, what good does it make to start fooling around if we both know that we will part ways because you're not willing to be a father figure or a step dad?"

"Do you know how hard it is for me right now? I want to have a man and trust me when I met you I was all in, I wanted you too but I'm on the cautious side now I can't just jump head first, I have children I need to think of. It's not enough to be head over heels. I can't erase seeing the shock on your face when I told you I had kids and then after I noticed how you seem distant meanwhile we had spent a good time together but the fact that you learned that I had children was keeping you away from me. I didn't push it cause you are entitled to choosing your partner and as much as I would have loved for it to be me I have to face the truth, I don't qualify."

"This whole situation makes me feel as if I'm damaged, not good enough to be loved anymore because I have children. Now I understand why some women rather stay in unhappy marriages because there's nothing for women out there once they have children. The judgement is there every damn time someone hears you're divorced, it's worse when they know you have kids. You have confirmed my fears yesterday with everything you said " "so excuse me if I can't give you ownership of my pussy while I damn know you're not here to stay" water works were  in full display, she couldn't refrain them although she had tried to remain strong.

"Shhhh bella don't cry, please I beg;  forgive me. You are worthy, you're beautiful, smart, independent and I am addicted to you. Please don't ever cry on my account I know I am being unreasonable but the thought of you with another man is making me crazy and acting impulsively."

" It was never my intention to hurt you. Do you know when I first saw you, I couldn't remove my eyes of you. I had just signed up at the gym and I saw this big round ass passing by, the lady at the reception saw me staring cause I was like in trans following your moves."

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