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The party was great, a real success, Bree's female colleagues liked her Beau and were very surprised that she showed up with company. Her boss was taken a back and confessed that he thought she was single and wanted to make a move which left Bree stunned, fortunately Yohann didn't none of it since he had gone to the gents.

They left the party after an hour on the dot, Yohann had made it clear that they could either leave or he would fuck her in the ladies, Bree knew better than to find out if he was serious. They went back to the hotel where they made passionate love until early morning.

Getting to the airport and boarding was hard for Bree, she wasn't used to long nights out anymore but her boo looked very fine, she was convinced that had he not been around she would have missed the flight. During check-in she noticed that her ticket had been upgraded to business class, she did not have the strength to ask and just kissed him and whispered "thank you".

Bree was currently sleeping while Yohann was reading a book and watching her from time to time. A black man on the other side has been watching them for a while and finally addressed him "is she your wife" "excuse me" Yohann responded and the man continued "she's sleeping comfortably and you've been touching her but I don't see a ring, so I asked if she was your wife"

"yeah well,why are you interested in us, that's creepy if you ask me, are you into voyeuristic habits?".
The mam laughed and Yohann was surprised this wasn't the reaction he'd expected. "couple like yours are not appreciated much in this side of the world but you don't care about that, this much I know but if you care about her you'd make sure not to display publicly all your attention to give her a chance once you leave her".

"And what makes you think that I will leave her, not that your opinion matters but I'm curious" "well I ask if she was your wife and you deflected instead of responding by a simple yes or no. Isn't young love supposed to be boasting?! A man knows almost instantly if she's the one. You might be fooling her but some things are pretty straight forward. Please don't feel offended I didn't mean to disrespect the both of you but I didn't want this young woman to get the short hand of the stick. "

" Just refrain from sharing your thoughts,my woman and I are very happy and when we get married is none of your business. Please stop the noise so she can continue to sleep peacefully. " The man raise his hands and smiled at Yohann last reply but kept quiet.

Unknown to both men Bree heard part of the conversation, she did not understand why that grown man who looked to be in his mid sixties would concern himself with an interracial couple but why was Yohann on the defensive from the get go, is he ashamed? Not that I want to get married on a hasty decision but what is he not into commitment? She felt a kiss on her forehead and smiled "babe" "ça va ma chérie, are you OK darling?". She opened her eyes slowly and pouted "No, I'm hungry" "let me order breakfast then".

Bree slept back right after breakfast and Yohann decided to check on some work for the remaining 2 hours flight, he felt sleepy an hour into work, pack his laptop and got comfortable, falling asleep almost immediately.

Bree woke up to a peacefully sleeping Yohann, he was handsome there was no denying that, flashes of their night came into herind and she covered her face blushing at her own thoughts.

"You seem to like him very much", the same man was now talking to her, she uncovered her face and sobered up. "I do actually, and I know you want to give me advice on how it will not help my future but with all due respect baba, I haven't gotten this kind of dick in 3 years, 3 years baba. Your grandson a black man like me judged me unfit to be his wife and left me to fend for me and our 2 children. So I don't need saving today, I need what he is giving me. Attention, sex and shower of gift and no matter how long I will bask in the moment that we have. Stop putting people in a box people unhappy trying to live through our elders eyes. I've free myself from that, I do what makes me. Thank you for your concern but I don't need it ".

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