Goodbyes and Hellos

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"First of I need you to calm down, I can't talk with you when you are like this. Second my kids will be afraid if I take too long, your driver is a stranger to them." Yohann launched his fist to punch the door behind Bree , she got frighten closed her eyes but never felt the punch, she opened her eyes when she heard the impact.

"Why, why are you running away? What have I done? If, if you could just tell me. I'm going g crazy here can't you see, is that what you wanted? Are you making me pay for not wanting to date you before?"

"Don't be ridiculous Yohann, I'm not like that please. Not everything revolve around you". He dropped to his knees "Bree, help me here, I'm going crazy please talk to me, I beg you".

"I need space, I have to sort out my business and I wanted to call you but I had to fix things here before our flight tonight".

"You are lying to me but it's OK, I guess you are just a cold-hearted woman who can give her body but not her heart, how stupid I was to think that we shared something"

Bree was pained by Yohann choice of words, she wanted to tell him that he matters but telling him about her condition was not something she was willing to do.

He stood up and opened the door, "your kids are waiting let's go", he let her exit and lock the door behind her. They were descending together but the silence was deafening, he was looking straight ahead, they reached the car after a small walk, he opened the door for her then proceeded to seat in front with the driver.

"Are you girls confortable" "what took you guys so long" said Arianna, "Mr Franck is funny but not that funny mum" added Ava. Yohann laughed at that "sorry sweetheart it seemed your mum broke the key, I was simply trying to help".

"Mum, you should pay more attention next time" "yes mum, you should pay attention".

"So girls, I would love to get to know you why don't you tell me about yourself and I mean the both of you", the girls were loving the attention he was giving them a'd they were conversing as if they knew each other.

They talked about school, their favorite colors, favorite games, favorite food, what scares them until a touchy subject came up, what they miss the most. "I would love to have a dad even if he is not my real dad, that's what I miss what about you Ava?".

"I thought we said we will not tell" Bree was stunned "baby so tell you know you can tell me anything" "I'm so sorry mum but me too I miss having a dad, all my friends they have one but they say that our mum doesn't want to give us one".

Yohann who had started the conversation was at loss of words, he could see Bree's pained expression but didn't know if it was his place to help her.

"I want you to have a dad girls, it's just", Yohann couldn't let her go through it alone "your mum told me she is looking for the best dad for you guys, she just didn't tell you because she doesn't want to disappoint you if he is not meeting your expectations,"

"Mum, Ava and me we just want a dad but we don't want you to be with him if you don't want to".

"Wow, can you explain, what you mean baby girl" "of course mum, my friend said that her mum gave her a new dad because she was letting him live in their house and use her mom's bed. I know you only want to share your bed with us and not a new mister like my friend mom did"

This kids were awfully smart but who's that friend who is too advanced in adult life, her mother let anyman around her daughter. Yohann thought.

"I will need to meet this friend of yours Arianna" "oh no mum please I like her, she will stop being my friend if you scold her" "I will be nice I promise" "I don't believe you".

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