Going back to Search

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"You can't possibly stop me here after getting me all up" "I'm sorry I thought I was ready but I'm not, sorry. It's better you go back home" "unbelievable, baby look at me, what's stopping you? You were fine a minute ago" "I'm sorry okay just, just leave".

Bree stood up much to Adam disappointment, so it was really happening she'd let him go with blue balls. Adam kept his eyes closed for about a minute to regain his composure, never in his life was he ever denied.

He wasn't a sex crazed like some men, he had a lot of self-discipline and only had sex when he found a girl suitable. He never had to beg from his early years being that he was an handsome boy who grew up to be a fine wine type of men with good financial status; he was a catch and every woman he met would be either seduced by his looks, status or sweetheart attitude. So what was wrong with this one? Adam was questioning himself when his phone rang drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I'm on my way" and just like that he stood up and was now towering over a flushed Bree who wanted nothing but to go back inside and forget how poorly she conducted herself. He looked at her straight in the eyes then smiled, "see you soon babe", and with that he left. Bree let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, damn I thought he was going to get mad, she thought while heading inside for a shower and bed.

The following day she was awaken early morning by her phone vibrations, when she looked at it she saw 3 messages, she dreaded opening them deciding to go back to sleep and look at them later after all Saturdays were stayin'bed kind of days.

After getting ready for the day, she went to meet her girls in the living room, they were already busy playing and talking, she smiled her angels were perfect and they were each other's friend, she silently thanked God and move forward to make her presence know. "Mommy" "mommy, we've missed you""come play with us" "can I get my morning kisses first" "yes mommy " they chorus. She went to play with them and spend a whole hour before she left to get breakfast ready.

They were eating and Ava asked her "mum, I want you to take a picture of me" that's when she remembered she had left her phone and never got to check who was writing to her in the wee hours. "Mum, did you hear Ava? I want a picture too said Ariana. " Ok, let me go get it".

She snapped 4 shots for each girl then dismissed them in the pretense of cleaning the dishes and kitchen. She got into her message and was surprised to see messages from Yohann, finally she thought.

Yohann : thinking about you tonight and how I want to tear your ass, got extra horny just thinking about it.
Yohann : I take it you're sleeping since we are on different time zone
Yohann : Dick pic

Asshole, how dare you ignore me for so long only to toy with me, you don't even ask about me, men just want sex, is that it! In all honesty she thought they'll be texting a lot to get to know each other a bit better. Although they almost fucked last time they met she thought the distance will do them good, boy was she wrong.

Then there was Adam, kissing him didn't feel bad, if she was to think about it, it felt good being with him but is he really for her. After the mess she's been in going back to a man from the same tribe as her ex husband was a "No, No" so why was she even entertaining him. She decided to stay away from him better that way.

It seems that Bree will be single for a while longer seeing as though Yohann only wanted sex, which she's not against but she want a bit more, like conversation, some quality time, well she wanted a nice and cool relation.

She decided to go back in the app, if she found a nice specimen like Yohann maybe she could be lucky a second time and find someone else. As she opens the app she saw a message from Christopher, he looked much older than her in his fifties, well that's a first, what does he want.

Christopher: Hello Audrey, I like your profile and your bio. Would you mind having a drink and grabbing some food? I'm new in town and could use some friend.

Bree: Hey Christopher, thank you. Yours is not that bad. A drink maybe if you're not a serial killer that is 😏

Unknown to Bree, Christopher was online when she was writing to him so he responded straight away, they ended up calling each other and agreeing to meet by end of the coming week.

"Well for someone with no love interest you seem to have a lot of male attention" said Rina, Bree's younger sister. "It's not my fault dating as a single mum is more complicated than I thought" she laughed. "I have spotted two other profile that might sound interesting but I'll wait to meet Christopher before I decide if I will hit them up or not" .

"Just make sure you take your precautions and always send me your location whenever you go meet up With these men cause I don't want any funny business With my sister". "I love you Rina, you know that" "I love you too"

It was time for bed and Bree's phone was vibrating, I forgot to answer to those messages, what was I supposed to say anyway, she thought about it then took her phone and send a message to Yohann.

Bree: I still can't believe you've passed on the opportunity to fuck me after eating my pussy, are you sure you can tear that ass white boy?

She hit send and the message morphed into a call, damnit she thought. "Babe, you didn't miss me today?" "Hello to you too Adam"
"I thought I would get a call from you apologizing for being a naughty girl"
"I don't know what you are talking about but it's late I don't have time for this, I was getting in my bed"
"I could join you if you want, just say the words"
"Bye Adam"

Bree hangup and turned her phone off immediately, he should try calling again mtshui!

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