The hard truth

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There are things for which you can never be prepared and being separated at 33 and divorced at 36 are among those things. Dating was not so easy being young cause let's face it, lack of confidence can make you hide and doubt yourself, not to mention African parents always on your back  making sure there's no boy around.

But being divorced brings a whole lot more difficulty in the play, first they believe you are an easy lay, believe it or not you get hit by a lot of young men hungry for sex, they think you're desperate for it since you've been left by your husband.

Second, you've experienced childbirth, which man in his full sense would want you seriously to settle down and raise someone else's children, you are used material to them. Third, they most probably don't understand your tight schedule and the fact that you don't go out every weekend like younger females.

Bree was discovering all these realities and it was hard to swallow cause she didn't see herself desperate on the contrary she didn't need to pretend or accept something that would make her and her children unhappy so she easily dismissed men.

Also she was fully aware of her sex drive and preferences, it was now about getting pleasure and satisfaction and not just fulfilling a duty like many women do. Lastly she wanted the full package now, fit,  handsome and financially stable, there was no way she would share the bills. After all if you're going to be the Alpha of the house it should show with your financial capacity too, she no longer believed in the 50/50 contribution.

She may feel lonely at time, she may temporarily entertain some men, going to dinner, texting but nothing serious yet, she is single until proven otherwise. Never did she bring a man around her children because she believes that only the one to stay would meet them. It was hard enough that their father wasn't involved in her children's life so she wasn't about to raise their hope for a father only to be crushed by a sudden disappearance.

She wanted to fall in love, wonder how some women made it look so easy and yet she had issues to meet people, new people that had nothing to do with her entourage. One day as she was discussing with a younger female friend she told her about this app people use to meet a potential partner, she was hesitant at first because what assurance do you have that the person is real but then again even people you live with might be hiding their true self. Ok I will do it and see what comes form it after all we have to live with our time.

Profile was created using pictures from the gym, sexy attire of cours, some from office, gotta let them know I can take care of myself, she thought and some from outing. Writing a bio was an all different ball game, what do you write when you are not looking for prince charming but want a gentleman who dine you and treat you with respect and care? She did was she thought was good google dating site profile ideas, don't judge we've all got to start somewhere. After checking many examples she composed something that was more like her.

She was now done so she thought of call her sister to check her profile, she also showed it to her best friend and big sister form work, after the initial choc and laugh about the whole thing she gave her opinion and Bree got to make some little changes to the profile Maylin and Bernice had really helped and she felt confident that maybe this time she will get to meet new people and maybe there was a slime chance that she could meet love.

Now the profile is perfect to be posted and so she does, now she has to wait for men who are potentially interested to message her. That's the hardest part because what if nobody is interested she thought... No, no that can't be I'm a beautiful woman after all. Decided to leave it for the day she plugged her phone and went to spend time with her babies.

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