Love Me Not

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Yohann POV

"Franck, let's go pick Mrs Bree" "where sir?" "at work of course" "OK".
You my little kitten have run away from me the whole day and for once I didn't do nothing. That's why I didn't do relationships, women are just witches.

Bree's office wasn't far from his place do they reached in no time. Frank was ready to step out and open his boss's door when a tall black man approached them so he instinctively stood up in front of his door acting as a shield for Yohann.

"Bonsoir, naza n'a message pona mokonzi na yo" (good evening I have a message for your boss) before Franck could address Adam, Yohann open his door and got down, "it's OK Franck, I know him".

Franck took some steps back to allow his boss get some privacy with his guest

"It seems that there's trouble in paradise, she didn't tell you that she was finishing early, I see", "Bree told me you're married why do you keep tabs on my woman this way? I know she's gorgeous but you should focus on what's yours and let me take care of my woman."

"As far as I am concerned she's single and I don't think you can handle all of her" "I know you dream of her in your bed, but I'm not worried one bit cause I'm hers the way you can never be".

"She doesn't take you seriously, she can't possibly choose to be with a player, that's maybe why she's leaving tomorrow pretending to have an health issue".

"We are going on a family vacation with her children, I've been upgraded to hubby and step-dad for your information." this information was enough to silence Adam.

Yohann went back in the car and Franck followed suit, "home" was all he said. He picked his phone and dialed his friend.

"So you got your responses if you're calling?!" "Tom, she's crazy, she's sweet, she's gorgeous, smart, a good mom as well but she is crazy". "Does this mean that you no longer wish to pursue anything with her?" "No, I want her, I want to be with her. I want her in my bed, my dinning room  and my life".

"She's not alone buddy, she's got kids you remember. That's not something you can brush off even when the sex is bomb" "I think it can work with the kids too" "Yan, I don't think you have taken time to think this through this girl got some bagage you know, kids, emotional, she might even have trust issues. Are you really ready to go through all that?"

Yohann kept quiet for few seconds, Tom got worried maybe he was being too honest," I know all that Tom, I'm not dumb but I'm drawn to her, it's like I didn't know I needed her but now that I have found her I can't let go, believe me I've tried staying away. I love her it's that bad!"

Now it was Tom turn to stay quiet, of all the women in the world his best friend had to get a black single mother." Tom, are you there? " "yeah bro, news is heavy you know, I mean you're in love I'm happy for you and all but I can't shake the feeling that this is not an easy ride you've chosen." "I know it's fucked up but if I don't try, I'll regret it. I can feel it in my gut."

"So what's the plan?" "she's running away from me" "dude, you guys are in bad terms? Or something?" "Well no, but it seems like. We had like the best sex ever today and she was in charge like dominatrix shit man" thinking about it made him laugh a little.

"I don't need no details Yan" "I ain't giving you none perv. But long story short she left while I was passed out cause I had just jerked out so much and since then she has kept communication to the minimum. I don't want to barge at her place last time it didn't endup well but I don't want to give her space that she run away cause someone just slipped that she's traveling and she hasn't told me anything about it."

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