And so it begins

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Bree saw that she got some messages from her profile on the dating app she started laughing rethinking the whole idea, somewhere she was questioning if those messages were from cute guys or some old ugly dude. Not wanting to appear as if she was in a rush she decided to wait for midday before she attend to these men.

That morning she went to work and met with one of her colleague that she had previously met before working at Capital investment, he smiled at her in a flirty way, she smiled back she didn't see anything bad in being alluring, she's the fire starter she's got that since her teenage years and she was returning to her nature.

Adam, her cute colleague decided to walk her to her office that day complimenting her on their way in on how she looked stunning, she smiled once more and thanked him for his kind words. Before leaving he asked if he could take her out for lunch today, she was not expecting that from him after all he is quiet the bachelor in the office and people have been saying that he has so many girls around she didn't want to enter the list so she politely declined his invitation. Adam was surprised by here response so he insisted and she just said she's busy and wouldn't want him to wait maybe another day. That was a mistake because he told her that he will make sure she stick to her promise.

Adam gone she could start work but before she pulled out her phone and checked that everything was fine at home for the girls, since it was the case she started with her work for the day. It was now 1pm and Bree was a ready for a break, she remembered that she promised herself to check the messages she got from the dating app. She got 7 messages 2 were from not so cute dude which didn't know anything about picture selection, she immediately dismissed them, then she saw a guy that she used to see at the gym, he had written her saying that she's beautiful and he thinks they have met before, jackpot, she liked him from the gym but never got the courage to talk to him. She didn't need to look at the others she was set on the gym city. She was watching his profile and being all smile, she decided to respond and wrote something along the line of "hey there, thank you for the compliment. I think I would know if we had met before" now let's see what happens from there. Yohann, the gym cutie responded immediately and after few back and forth of messages they decided to exchange phone numbers to take it private off the app.

Bree was elated, Yohann was charming, funny and he had the looks of a Greek god, now for a first time this was top shot she thought, the started to think about the things that could go wrong with him. Anyway she wanted to meet with him and see whether there will be a mutual attraction between them.

First thing is that they don't share the same workout hours so he basically goes when she's left, they live opposite direction and they both have tight schedule.

The following day Yohann called her in the morning made her laugh and wished her a good day, she was happy, ok let me reciprocate at midday she thought, she sent him a video if her with a message and kisses. To which he responded that he can't wait to taste those full lips, they look so juicy just the way he likes them. After the initial choc, she got self cautious watching herself in a mirror every chance she got.

Soon evening came and she drove to her gym for a glute class. For one hour she gave it her all and finished all sweaty, she decided to take a tour in the weight lifting room just to check if he was there but unfortunately he wasn't she decided to pass by the changing room to freshen up and when she was through, she decided to leave.

As soon as she came out she bump into a stud who seems to have misplaced his eyes standing right in front of the female lockers. Bree wasn't amused so she was about to give him a piece of her mind, even if he was waiting for his lady should he obstruct the way. As she started her "Excuse-m me", he said "hello bella I saw you and I wanted to make sure you see me too" at that she just smiled.

He was a total Greek god, the type that are displayed in Athens so that us mere mortal can salivate on how gorgeous, well build and sexy they look, this man looked like a full course meal, strong jawline, broad shoulders, toned and muscle everywhere and yet he wasn't extremely bulky. What is my gym crush doing in front of the ladies room?

That's Yohann on the picture, what do you think of their interaction?
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