My woman

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Yohann has been attending his meeting for half a day, he must admit that he rather be doing Bree right now then seating in this meeting, being bored out of his mind. I guess that's the price to pay to get to be with my little mama he thought.

He couldn't stop thinking about the pros and cons of dating Bree, and her having children was a big No in his opinion. Why did she have to have kids, I mean I don't understand why people get the need to reproduce as if the world wasn't already too populated and complicated.  I don't wanna get married cause it's as if once you're there people expect you to have children, your woman, the family, everyone. I know my mom would like a grand child but I'm sorry it's not for me, life should be enjoyed and live to the fullest but you can't do that once you have kids.

"Sir, we would like to break for midday, if you're ok with that" "call me Yohann, please and yes of course". Among the attendees was the company secretary an old white man from Switzerland, Yohann being French they had things to talk about beside just work, but he wasn't ready for this particular talk.

"What made you decide to attend this year, you were not coming before when you were stationed in Ghana if I recall correctly." "Well, I wanted to reconnect with the engineer work, it gets boring to be in office all the time you know." The old man smiled at his answer "although, I agree with you about office being boring, I don't really believe you. If I'm honest I chair this meeting twice every year cause it's a traveling opportunity and I get to  enjoy some senseless sex."

"Excuse me" Yohann was very surprised by his honesty, "well there's nothing better than black pussy to be honest, I'm married to a white woman 25 years and counting, we are somewhat happy. She's a saint doesn't like sex much but gave me two beautiful children, boy and girl; both in university. Let's just say my life at home is pretty boring. But since we decided, the company decided to host quarterly meeting in a different location where we have offices, I've been feeling like in my twenties again, travelling and fucking around. I usually discuss with the hotel management and they introduce me to pretty and young women and the rest is history. I can arrange some for you too although you're not staying at the resort here."

"I will have to pass on the offer, I don't do prostitutes, no pun intended" "you're missing out because you feel superior wait until age catches you I'm almost 60 don't have time to run around little girls. But suite yourself. One more thing, try to focus on the meeting, one could easily tell your mind is else where." With that he left Yohann and headed to the buffet.

Stupid old man Yohann thought to himself, he took his phone and decided to call Bree, the phone was ringing but no one was picking up, he tried a second time and she answered at the first ring.

"Hey mama, how is it your side?" "We're just done heading to the venue then I will go back to my hotel" "who are you with?" "C'mon Yohann, stop it!" "Bree, who's next to you answer it's a simple question" women can never answer a simple question he thought. "I'm with Nick my boss and a female colleague, we are taking his car to the venue. And how is your meeting?"

"It's boring I can't wait to be buried deep inside you" "can we talk about it later" "I want to feel your sweet pussy around my dick" "hmm hmm, well it's sunny here is it the same where you at?" "I'm going to have you scream my name tonight, make sure you're ready for me"

Yohann started laughing "feeling embarrassed mama?" "Very much can you stop it?" "Ok tell me you miss me sweetheart and I'll let you go back to your thing" "I will talk to you later, bye" and with that Bree hangup the call. "I just love when I make her shy".

He headed for lunch after his call then returned to the meeting room and followed the rest of the meeting religiously, he couldn't afford to look distracted being young and almost CEO wasn't coming only with perks men that were older than him often saw him as less competent, he always had to display his A game be it work or attitude. Can't have an old fart thinking I'm here in leisure even if it's true.

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