Short lived happiness

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Yohann was using his tongue skillfully, licking her rose bud, kissing her lips and playing some more with her clit, Bree was feeling waves of emotions and started moaning cautious not to be loud but damn he was giving it good and it felt so passionate, the repetition was driving her crazy so she called for him "Yohann, please" she was embarrassed but she wanted to feel him inside of her she was so wet but it seems he wasn't yet ready to give it to her, still licking and kissing like his life depended on it.

That's when it happened the bell rang, he stopped and went to the door, closing it so no one could see inside while he was standing there, he called for the lady and asked her to check if it was the guy handling traveling related formalities, who came to collect his luggage. Indeed it was the protocol officer, Yohann got straight into business mode, put on a t-shirt and brought his luggage out of the bedroom then gave his flight ticket and asked the guy for 20 minutes to finish getting ready. Bree was at a loss of words, it takes me more time to cum she thought, she looked in the air and was like this is some sort of sick joke the universe is playing on me, she was about to get some action and now it will not happen again, "oh Lord, please this is a bad dream right".

Yohann came back in the room and kissed her slow and sensual returning the mood then stopped to look at her in the eyes and said "I'm sorry but I have to go, Kinshasa traffic is crazy these days and I can't miss my flight but I'd love for us to finish what we started once I'm back in a month"...
She smiled with all the dignity she could muster and said "well I'd love that", "can I use your bathroom" and left for the bathroom to put herself together.

Bree experienced the benefits of a quick cold shower, she fixed her clothes, got into Yohann's room kissed him on the lips and left.
Damn, she thought to herself, what a cock block! Let's get back to work, at least he knows how to kiss and he smells so good.

The rest of the day was uneventful, she clocked out around 6pm and headed to her kids, she could catch them before bedtime and get to enjoy their questions and stories, when it was time she put both girls to bed and kiss them good night.
Her phone buzzed, she smiled thinking it was him but she was disappointed, he hadn't written yet since their encounter, so much for liking me she thought.

Adam: how are you babe? I didn't see you at lunch today, all is good?

Me: all is fine, just had something to do. Please refrain from endearment we are colleagues

"Arghhh, not you please, I want the other guy, pfffff", she was frustrated by Yohann's behavior and couldn't comprehend the lack of interaction after their time together. Maybe he didn't like it after all, but he was hard as rock, when he was kissing me, she thought to herself.

When it was around 10pm, she was ready for bed that's when her phone rang, she thought about letting it without even checking the caller id but thought against it and when she picked she was pleasantly surprised to hear his voice"hey bella, I'm about to board the plane, I was working throughout my wait and didn't see the time pass. I wanted to call you before but got swamped with work" Bree was relieved so at least she's not the only one who felt some type of connection. She smiled and said "that's ok, I was busy with the kids, so I didn't get back to you either", "wishing you a safe flight and great vacation". The conversation kept going for few more minutes and then they cut it with promise to see each other when he returns.

The following day Bree was at work with her friend Candice for their morning coffee, "am I getting attached too quickly?" Bree was talking to her friend and telling her about her failed attempt at getting back on riding the "D" and she was laughing about it, "you're something else Bree, but be still he's coming back and from what you said he wants a taste of your goodies". "Yeah you are right but isn't it strange that he wasn't in hurry to fuck me and all... Anyway, I forgot to tell you about Adam". "What about him" Candice asked, "you know he is like a little brother to me, we grew up in the same circle and I'm friend with his big sister that lives in SA".

Bree was surprised, she didn't know but it's not like she was ever interested in knowing things about Adam before, "well he wants to date me, all of a sudden" that's when someone knock at Candice door, she instinctively ask the person to get in and to Bree suprise it was Adam, who claimed he was told that she was there so he came to invite her for lunch this afternoon.

Bree wasn't in the mood so she said that her and Candice already had plans so she'd have to decline, he simply said the invitation applies to Candice as well, "what do you say?". After a good minute of silence, Candice decided to put Adam out of his misery cause Bree was not looking at him anymore, and she simply said "come pick us up when you're ready to go" to which he smiled and left her office.

As soon as he left Bree started whining " why Candice, why?", "Don't say no to free food, plus he's a nice guy, you don't have to be a bitch to him, he will eventually understand that you are not interested in any man if it's not your Greek god". Bree smiled at the mention of Yohann and decided to drop him a message.

Bree: hope you made it safely to Paris, kisses

Yohann : just tired long flight with a detour by Lome, but I'll survive. Kiss on all your lips

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Picture of Yohan on top

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