Under the stars

53 3 28

"Hey Franck, can you take me to the gym?" "Which gym ma'am"
"the one Mr Yohann goes too". Franck didn't ask anymore question and just hit the road.

The drive took a bit more than 30 minutes due to traffic on the road, this gave Bree plenty of time to think about her next move for some reason something had happened but she didn't know when and how but she was going to find out.

Once they made it to the gym she directly entered and went to the reception like any normal new comer would.

« Hi I'm interested in joining the gym, can you give me information, details and above all tell me about the men that come here », the girl at reception giggled, finally she was meeting someone fun maybe this could be her friend although she looked a bit older than her.

« This is the best gym there is in the city, we are a bit pricey I'd give you that cause the membership is 250$ a month but you get full access to the gym, a trainer that you just need to book and the sauna. »

« Keep talking, I might be interested cause I'm only hearing great things so far and I love your bubbly personality too. »

Bree was thinking that this was going to be her informant; because before entering she noticed how this girl was sulking about something the other lady at the reception said.

« Awww thank you, at least you can tell from afar. Truth is I feel undervalued here, they jealous of my beauty and charm. »

Beauty maybe but you've no charm but that double D must be your miracle weapon, Bree thought

« You are a pretty young woman that's undeniable but why would they be jealous there's not enough male visit here? »

« Well to be honest with you our trainers are sexy and they make you wanna jump their bone but we have a no client coach relationship policy so they are off limits, but it doesn't apply to front desk personnel »

« So you are telling me this is like a playroom for women ?? » « Yeees », she exclaimed.

« And I already find the one I want, it's just that he hasn't been coming much these days. Let me take you on a tour of the facility. »

« By the way I am Karine, the boss's niece. I will get you a welcome discount because you are so nice to me. »

« Oh Karine, this is so nice of you, I'm Brenda but my friends call me Bree. »
They toured the gym, checked each facility then went to the seat at the coffee place.

« This gym is sort of exclusive, so I can assume that only high value men are members ? » Bree asked Karine with a small smile gracing her lips.

Karine laughed, « of course it is, the guy I'm seeing is deputy MD, he's an engineer, a French dude. I got all his details in the database. »

Bree was smiling to hide her surprise, Yan was both an engineer and deputy MD where he worked but maybe this was just a coincidence.

« That's nice, how long have you been seeing him? Does he have a friend I'm sort of single » she displayed an awkward laugh.

« Let's have coffee tomorrow I'm free I will tell you how I cornered him and what time you need to come if you want to have a good catch. »

« Wow it looks like it needs strategy Karine, are those men not easy to be with? »

« Bree, sometimes men don't know they want us before we show it to them. Believe me I will show you the rope, this gym is all you need and more. »

Bree had heard enough to understand that women in this gym were going after men, the question she was asking herself now was did her man also fall prey to this scheme?!

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