♀️♂️♥︎🧸a new member ?..🧸♥︎♀️♂️(chap.25)

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*you have left Hank's room and went back to the living room. Guess they ain't fighting anymore. Thx jebus.*

Skittles :Y/N! *he run's and hug you* is your teddy feeling better ?

*you nod and show him*

Skittles: That's nice !

*Sanford takes his "iPad" and looks at something. After some mins he looked kinda confused but sigh and put it back*

San: Alright chucklheads, were gonna go see 2bd he have something to tell us. Dei go get Hank.

Dei: Alright got it. *he said walking to hank's room*

San: Alright, Sheriff, Skittles and Y/N go in the truck while I get some food.

*You and the others nodded and walked to the truck. You try to climb to get in the back and you suceed. Skittles and Sheriff also went to the back and waited with you. *

*While waiting you see Skittles pit his head on Sheriff laps, he did look like wanting to sleep on the other hand Sheriff had some light pink on his cheeks. You ignore it and played with your teddy waiting*

<<Mean while>>

San: Dei! Where did you place the choclat !

Dei: Oh! You can't find it ?

San: Well if I ask you that mean no idiot !

Dei: Chill I'm coming to help ya !

*Deimos walk in the kitchen and takes the choclats*

Dei: Here you go bufford *he said chuckling*

San: Tss shut it *grabing the choclats with some light red cheecks*

Dei: Aww. Is bufford emmbarased ?? *he said joking*

San: Let's go you motherflipper 💢

<<After they put the food in the truck>>

*Sanford and Deimos sit in the front while Hank went with you in the back. You also noticed that Hank had take Skittles while he is still sleeping and staring at Sheriff who was "kinda" shaking. Maybe he was just cold.. Right??*

*But anyways, exepte the teasing that Deimos keep do to Sanford it was à Nice ride*

*You all finaly arrive to the lab*

<<little time skip>>

2bd: Thx for coming guys.

San: Hey 2b. Why did you went us to come ? I tough the checkup was next 3 weeks.

2bd: It is, I never said it was an early checkup.

Dei: And also didn't say why you wanted us to come.

2bd: *sigh* Anyways, I wanted to let you guys meet someone. You can come out now.

*The person came from the shadow, they didn't really look like a grunt, they also had nice cloths with a pink rabbit/bunny mask. *

2bd: I was thinking to put a new member in the team, and I saw her near an A.A.W.H building.

Everyone (exepte Y/N) : Near the A.A.W.H building ?!

2bd: Yes but-

Dei: Are you in the moon doc ? What if they were from the A.A.W.H ?!

?????: Well I ain't thx idiot 💢

Dei: HEY! >:/

2bd: *sigh* I let you introducte yourself. *leaves*

Darki: Greeting, my name is Darki.

*she looks at you for a moment*

Darki: Awww you look so cute little one.

Dei: Well ofc she does-

Darki: Dude I wasn't talking to you.

*She picks you up and hugs you*

Darki: What's your name bud ?

Y/N: Y/N.

Darki: Y/N Huh? So adorable ♡

San: HEY! It's my kid *he said grabing you from her hands*

Darki: Whatever 🙄.

Hank: Let's just go back to the base. Come darki.

Darki: Yea sure

Sheriff : Alright-

Hank: Without you.

Sheriff: Why-

San: Well maybe bc the agents gonna think your in danger and will come get you.

Sheriff : Oh yea-


That's all for the chap. 25
Sorry if it kinda taked a while to make just for that lol.

Btw I am finally done with the server disc! Her the lien ☟


(If it don't work just let me remember what your disc user is so ik to who invite lol)
Everything should be explained good

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