chapter 27

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I look down at the bathroom mirror, seeing my worried expression in the mirror. This is the moment, the moment of truth really. I've already dropped out of high school, due to Mitch's rising YouTube success.

Looking at the white stick, a small plus sign, causes me to feel faint. This cant be happening. A child. A living, breathing, human being who is expensive and a human. How am I going to tell Mitch? He's currently looking for a place to have our wedding, even though I've told him I want it in a park, he wants it be more...formal.

My hand shakes, and the longer I stare at the sign, the angrier and sadder I get. Throwing it onto the bathroom floor, and taking my bare foot, I slam my foot onto the piece of plastic, until the pieces slice my bare skin.

I sink to the ground, and shake as I hear the front door to our house beep. His footsteps echo in my head as he steps closer to the bathroom, calling my name desperately.

"Ariel? Are you in here?"

I whimper, signally him to come in. He bursts in, a worried expression laced into his eyes. Staring at me, he looks at my foot, noticing the floor with drops of blood, causing the white tile floor to become a soft red.

"Ariel." He breathes, my name barely coming out as a whisper.

I look down, un able to meet his eyes. I couldn't. The disappointment, and the shame. Will I ever be able to meet his eyes? His soft, delicate hands skim my chin, causing me to look up. Out of no where, he kisses me softly, and smiles in between.

"Are you pregnant?"


I expected a scene. Mitch screaming at me, pounding his fists against the wall, sighing in anger. Imaging him throw his head back in frustration, and his eyes becoming glossy. I got the exact opposite, instead of a frown, I got one of the biggest, goofiest smiles ever. His eyes were filled with joy and he did the unexpected,

"Ariel. I've wanted a child for so long. Even at this age. Oh my gosh I have never been so excited in my life."

That was easier than I thought.


"Mitchhhh I'm starving, can I have some cereal!" I moan, from my lazy position on the couch. I've been watching Death Note all day, while complaining to my amazing fiance.

"You just had four bowls a minute ago!"

"Helloo, I'm pregnant!" I throw my hands up in the air, to prove a point.

He groans, and pours me another bowl of cereal. His eyelids cover his gorgeous eyes, as he finishes my bowl, and sticks a spoon, as it slips into the tsunami of milk and cereal. It's kind of crazy how much I love this man.


Hellooo! I know this isnt long and you've been waiting forever, but I have had so much writers block and honestly this is coming to an end. I'm not sure what chapter, but it will be at least 15-20 more chapters. so dont freak out. I could carry this on till chapter 4000 but this story will get boring eventually. :)

anyways hope u enjoyed this short short chapter and tell me ur feelings on it. :)

Typical Blonde / bajancanadian / completed Where stories live. Discover now