chapter three

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As I walk in Brianna immediately pulls me into the bathroom. What in the world did that girl want now?

I stare dead into her eyes, arms crossed, waiting for her to spit out her secret. "Well?" I start to tap my foot, trying to look annoyed as possible.

"You know when Mitch pulled me out of lunch?" Great, she's going to make me jealous.

I stand tall, and inhale loudly. "Yea?"

"Well he dragged me to a janitors closet, and kissed me! Then at the party, we started talking and I really liked him and he liked me, so we kissed again, and I broke up with Jason and started to date Mitch."

My mouth dropped open, and seeing the look on her face, that terrified look. She knows I'm mad. She knows I've loved Mitch since third grade, his eyes, his messy hair.

I'm basically head over heals for him, and she just comes and tell me she's freaking dating him? Fine be that way.

Except I didn't lash out at her, or start to scream and spit in her face. No.

"Wow, I'm er happy for you."

She raises a eyebrow, and places her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" I nod, and walk out of the bathroom, and immediately bump into Mitch. Perfect.

"Is Brianna in there?" Yep, nobody ever wants me.

"In the flesh" I shove my way past him, and tears come to my eyes. I wish I was the one he was looking for.

/ lunch /

At lunch, Mitch is joined to the table. I haven't seen Jason all day, and Cammie. Please don't tell me there hooking up.

As soon as I think that, Cammie rushes into the cafeteria. Her mascara is running down her fave, and her hair looks like a rat lives in there. ( A/N Irl, CammieWrites is beautiful <3 )

"You.Here.Now" She points a shaky finger at me, and basically drags me out of the cafeteria.

"What happened!" I say, calmly as possible. I've know Cammie since 2 grade, ofcourse I'm worried.

"Jerome broke up with me, and Jason started to hurt him, and now Jerome is in the nurse and Jason got in huge trouble, over me!"

I shake my head in frustration. The boy problems just won't stop will they?

"Listen babe, how about after school we go to the mall and shop our little hearts out?"

A wide smile stretches across her face, signifying she'd love to. We hug, and the bell rings, telling us to head for class.

As I walk, I think how boring my life is. Nobody loves me, I have sucky grades, my parents probably don't know I exist, and I don't have a real friend beside Cammie and Brianna. Honestly Brianna always had boy problems.

I feel like I'm just there to wipe all the tears. Maybe I'm not completely useless.

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